How are people making adsense look like this?

Why would Google not trust or allow "non ballers" these tools.
If they help user experience and create a better return for everyone involved, wheres the fucking problem??!!
Am I missing something?
Also, Adsense ballers get custom Adsense code so it looks nice-nice on their site. Look at ehow, allrecipes etc.

Exactly, I know there are few premium adsense brokers out there that you can work with to get those kind of ads/payments

I have had few chats with some of those premium adsense users in my county (Israel).
Another "good thing" with those guys is that they act like "guardian angels" from getting your adsense account banned without any warning... (shit happen)
I think you need to deliver 20 million impressions per month for a while and you get promoted automatically
try to get about 1 billion impressions a month.. I think that will solve all the problems
I think you need to deliver 20 million impressions per month for a while and you get promoted automatically

lmao try again. The number is definitely north of 250million+ if its even impression based.

I'm guessing its a set amount of revenue earned monthly, and not impression based at all.