How accurate of sales tracking and honest of CJ?

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New member
Aug 17, 2007
I'm doing promote one product with contents and organic traffics only, no PPC involved. I got a little traffics, little CTR but got sales as regularly. I got 10 sales in first 20 days period and then I got many more visitors and CTR from organic traffics thereafter, with specific targeted keywords, but then sales disappeared!! At 5th day after no sales I sent email to commission junction support and they told me I have to contact product affiliate manager directly. At 8th day I sent mail to ask Product manager directly regarding to accuracy of CJ and their sales tracking. He did respond me after 2 days I sent and told me that CJ tracking is very accurate and I got sales in that day :xomunch: and no more sales afterward. I have many questions in my mind about CJ and product manager. I don't want to assume as negatively towards CJ and product I am promoting but I got only one sale at the same day I got replied from product manager. Is it possible for CJ staff and product manager do some conspiracy to steal affiliate from me? Just give me some sales to show me how accurate of tracking is. I know that CJ would get around 30% for all commissions I have got, but if some staff just do some conspiracy as personally with product manager and steal commission from me for themselves? While I had only 5-10 visitors a day in the past, I got sales average as 1 sale per 2 days. Now I have 20-50 visitors a day due to ranked higher in Google, Yahoo with targeted keywords but got no sales for 2 weeks, completely 0 sales!! Is it possible?

I'd really like to help you pal but...

Thanks for playing though. Next time, try our home edition.
Sure it's possible. If you're consistently getting sales and they disappear suddenly except for the day you ask your AM about it, it sure sounds fishy on paper. However, how consistent were your sales to begin with? are you sure your 10 sales/20 days wasn't just brief success?
I don't want to assume as negatively towards CJ and product I am promoting but I got only one sale at the same day I got replied from product manager. Is it possible for CJ staff and product manager do some conspiracy to steal affiliate from me? Just give me some sales to show me how accurate of tracking is. I know that CJ would get around 30% for all commissions I have got, but if some staff just do some conspiracy as personally with product manager and steal commission from me for themselves?
What the fuck are you talking about? CJ staff can't steal from you, and affiliate managers at the merchants generally have goals to hit in terms of sales - Unless the merchant has removed the tracking pixel (which CJ would notice due to no sales occuring), they can't and won't cheat you.

If CJ says they're seeing other affiliates making sales, and nothing weird is going on, then you're probably alone in your issues.
Sure it's possible. If you're consistently getting sales and they disappear suddenly except for the day you ask your AM about it, it sure sounds fishy on paper. However, how consistent were your sales to begin with? are you sure your 10 sales/20 days wasn't just brief success?

My sales were generated from the beginning of October and seems declined after Oct 21 may be. and yes, that is a brief success but I don't understand about dropped in my sales. They had apparently disappeared without any reasons, I got a lot more visitors from the same targeted keywords actually. Or this is just a normal situation for affiliate? I don't know, this is my first time I made a consistent sales although I didn't made it for a long time ago with CJ.
What the fuck are you talking about? CJ staff can't steal from you, and affiliate managers at the merchants generally have goals to hit in terms of sales - Unless the merchant has removed the tracking pixel (which CJ would notice due to no sales occuring), they can't and won't cheat you.

If CJ says they're seeing other affiliates making sales, and nothing weird is going on, then you're probably alone in your issues.

Thanks for clarify me mate. :D I am newbie in affiliate and may have too much paranoid since I have no clue how they working. Thank you again.
CJ is fucked plain and simple, their advertisers scrub like like a housewife on crack.
What advertisers or niches are you talking about?

I work with many CJ advertisers as an affiliate, and a few large advertisers on the merchant end as a consultant. Any merchant who deploys the pixel cannot really "scrub" leads - The only area where I would expect this to occur would be with loan leads that are submitted in batches.

CJ takes unfounded scrubbing (e.g. anything but fraud, intelligibility, unservicable area, or a duplicate lead, where a user has already submitted the data in the past) pretty seriously. If you have concerns, contact CJ support. CJ takes around 30% of all commissions as a cut, and believe me, they do NOT like to get fucked out of that fee...
100% is better than 30%, CJ takes 100% and rotates through affiliates.

What can we do about it?

NADA, ZIP ,Zero.

Didn't Jon once speak of some guy named Tom something or other?

Was he speaking of the Cj Tom?
100% is better than 30%, CJ takes 100% and rotates through affiliates.

What can we do about it?

NADA, ZIP ,Zero.
What are you talking about? My 30% point was in reference to the fact that they charge the merchant 30% of the commission. Basically, if the merchant pays the affiliate $10, they actually pay CJ $13, and CJ pays the affiliate $10. I don't get what you're saying about rotating through affiliates.
What are you talking about? My 30% point was in reference to the fact that they charge the merchant 30% of the commission. Basically, if the merchant pays the affiliate $10, they actually pay CJ $13, and CJ pays the affiliate $10. I don't get what you're saying about rotating through affiliates.

Same here, what are you talking about "rotation" and "100% instead of 30%"? Is this conspiracy or something? I hope not because I had loose some trust on CJ or some merchant on CJ already and I hope no more.

Shit..I just read it and make me scare a little. How could this thing happened to large network like CJ or Valueclick? Malware that steal publishers commission, wtf.
Learn it Love it

Same here, what are you talking about "rotation" and "100% instead of 30%"? Is this conspiracy or something? I hope not because I had loose some trust on CJ or some merchant on CJ already and I hope no more.

Shit..I just read it and make me scare a little. How could this thing happened to large network like CJ or Valueclick? Malware that steal publishers commission, wtf.

Because 100% of many affiliates commission is a greater amount than 30% of the advertiser's commission.

TWO United States Federal judges took these cases against Commission Junction for stealing affiliate commissions.

Because 100% of many affiliates commission is a greater amount than 30% of the advertiser's commission.

TWO United States Federal judges took these cases against Commission Junction for stealing affiliate commissions.


Thanks for your clarification. I did send email to CJ publisher support asked questions regarding to tracking accuracy. and here is there answer.

Dear Puripong,

Commission Junction records network transactions in real time. The term “real time” is often mistaken to mean “instant.” Transactions do track instantly, but it takes time for them to be processed by our system and posted to the CJ Account Manager™ for you to see. All impressions, clicks, leads and sales usually appear in the CJ Account Manager™ within an hour.

When we are updating our servers or uploading product enhancements there is a chance that transactions may take longer to post. Transactions are being tracked, only posting is delayed. This is not a common occurrence, and when it does happen reporting does catch up and is posted as soon as possible. We notify all clients using the CJ Account Manager™ “Alert” box.

Some advertisers transmit batch transactions to us. Most batches are sent every day, but some may contain data from a day or two before the batch was sent. Therefore it can take several days to see transactions from some advertisers.

Commission Junction’s primary tracking method is cookie-based. A cookie is a small file that is placed on a web user’s computer to track information that a user voluntarily divulges. Cookies allow Commission Junction to track what network ads your site visitors click on, what transactions take place on the advertiser’s web site, and which publisher to pay the commissions earned.

If you pull the HTML code for an ad from Commission Junction and make modifications, the link can still work, but it may not be setting the cookie values necessary to track all publisher referred sales and leads. The cookie values AID (advertiser ID) and PID (publisher site ID) assure that you will get credit for your referrals. Make sure the proper AID and PID values are being passed in your tracking links.

Commission Junction sets a cookie when the image from our tracking code is loaded, and when that link is clicked. If a transaction generated from your web site does not track, it’s possible that the site visitor did not have cookies enabled on their browser. Internet users have the options to: accept all cookies, accept only cookies from the site that you are currently on, be prompted prior to accepting any cookies, block all cookies or delete them at anytime. However, studies show that 98 percent of all Internet users do have their computers setup to accept cookies, so this is a rare occurrence.

The most common reason tracking does not occur is when the HTML code on the publisher’s web site is edited improperly. The tracking code on your web pages should exactly match the code taken from the CJ Account Manager™. Your code might also be changed without your knowledge by the software programs you are using to create your web pages. HTML editors like Macromedia’s Dreamweaver or Microsoft’s FrontPage automatically encode any data when it’s imported, so the code is often changed, rendering it useless.

To ensure the tracking code on your web site will function correctly, view the source of your web pages after they have been published to verify that the code is identical to what you pulled from the CJ Account Manager. You can modify Commission Junction’s tracking code in order to change certain link attributes, for example to hide the tracking code. Learn how to implement these functions in the CJ Account Manager™ Customer Support area.

Hopefully this helps answer your questions about tracking. You can get answers to most of your questions 24 hours-a-day by logging into your CJ Account Manager™ and clicking on the “Help” link.

Commission Junction Client Support

Summary is, Tracking image are not using for tracking impressions purpose only but using to set up cookies also. That's weird because I understand all times that pixel image just using for tracking impressions purpose only and this is critical if they use that for based trigger for set up cookies because many publishers just modified code by remove them and replace with their own text, which is not available to choose by many publishers in CJ. If this modification is not allowed then that is not flexible and really bad to put raw code to your page which not encourage people to click on while they are seeing affiliate code embedded in the link directly.
Because 100% of many affiliates commission is a greater amount than 30% of the advertiser's commission.

TWO United States Federal judges took these cases against Commission Junction for stealing affiliate commissions.

Wow, you're a fucking idiot.

The lawsuit is about *software* affiliates/publishers who would rewrite cookies/redirect users through their own link to get commissions - Believe me, that's a very insignificant part of the program. I've worked on the merchant end, and these guys refer most of their traffic from their actual websites and emails (eBates), and not from software. CJ doesn't steal ANY commissions. These software programs were affiliates, and CJ still made the same 30% from them.

These guys have been minimized since CJ strengthened its policies, and since anti-spyware programs started removing these programs.
Thanks for your clarification. I did send email to CJ publisher support asked questions regarding to tracking accuracy. and here is there answer.

Summary is, Tracking image are not using for tracking impressions purpose only but using to set up cookies also. That's weird because I understand all times that pixel image just using for tracking impressions purpose only and this is critical if they use that for based trigger for set up cookies because many publishers just modified code by remove them and replace with their own text, which is not available to choose by many publishers in CJ. If this modification is not allowed then that is not flexible and really bad to put raw code to your page which not encourage people to click on while they are seeing affiliate code embedded in the link directly.
Seems like that rep doesn't know what they're talking about. The only thing that sets the cookie is the actual click through, and the pixel is the only thing that reads the cookie (unless a merchant uses batch processing). The 1x1 pixel on text links doesn't matter.
Seems like that rep doesn't know what they're talking about. The only thing that sets the cookie is the actual click through, and the pixel is the only thing that reads the cookie (unless a merchant uses batch processing). The 1x1 pixel on text links doesn't matter.

Thanks Johu for your clarification. I just said what CJ answered me and that may my own misunderstood.
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