How a newbie can get started with affiliate marketing

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There are lots of ways, this forum is one of them. Lots of good information on this board, however one thing I would make sure I did was posted in the correct forum, the mods around these parts are hounds, and do there job really well.
First off, you're going to need a lot of tenacity and discipline to really learn it. I've been getting into the game since about this time last year. I still consider myself a newbie because I'm constantly learning a shit ton of info everyday. I still haven't made any profit but I'm very confident that I'm close. I know the game pretty well and I'm about to start a few good campaigns of my own. I would say that you should find a few good sources online to read. Get a feedreader like feedburner and find money-making blogs to subscribe to and read them everyday. Some good sources for me have been: for seo
and then of course wickedfire.

If you read enough you'll start seeing that there really is a formula to being a successful online marketer. Know that you're in it for the long haul and you'll be well off in the end.
how should a newbie get started with affiliate marketing? What steps do u suggest and what are the ways, and prospective income he/she can generate in how much time?


Here are some answers: slowly . . . . months and years . . . dimes and quarters. Unless you fall into a popular topic (sudden traffic rush from digg, or TV spot, or national tragedy, etc) that you happen to be promoting at or near the same time; then you might actually make a little bit of cash. But don't think about making a profit until you pay off your advertising methods, the bill from your web host for the surge in traffic, increased server load, overages in bandwidth, violation of their TOS, etc.

Then again there is always the possibility that you will do things right and still not make it because you were hacked/scammed out of the money you were trying to earn. Change your passwords regularly and track/measure every step you take.
how should a newbie get started with affiliate marketing? What steps do u suggest and what are the ways, and prospective income he/she can generate in how much time?


Start with the newbie sections, then use the forum search function for any questions you may have, then come back and ask whatever wasn't covered.
First off, you're going to need a lot of tenacity and discipline to really learn it. I've been getting into the game since about this time last year. I still consider myself a newbie because I'm constantly learning a shit ton of info everyday. I still haven't made any profit but I'm very confident that I'm close. I know the game pretty well and I'm about to start a few good campaigns of my own. I would say that you should find a few good sources online to read. Get a feedreader like feedburner and find money-making blogs to subscribe to and read them everyday. Some good sources for me have been: for seo
and then of course wickedfire.

If you read enough you'll start seeing that there really is a formula to being a successful online marketer. Know that you're in it for the long haul and you'll be well off in the end.

How much time and energy have you been putting into it? Seems like a long time to go without a profit.
How much reading blogs and other sources online do people recommend before diving in. I've always been a hands-on learner, but I'm afraid with affiliate marketing if I jump in I might just lose a ton of money. I already gambled away $200 in less than a week because I was experimenting

Errr... maybe that's why you haven't been making any money, you just read, read, read...

And awful blogs, not even good ones like Marks Spin Blog
If you're really serious about this, at minimum I would read the internet for 5 years.
How much reading blogs and other sources online do people recommend before diving in. I've always been a hands-on learner, but I'm afraid with affiliate marketing if I jump in I might just lose a ton of money. I already gambled away $200 in less than a week because I was experimenting

Everything you need to know is on this forum. Go to the newbie sections first. Once you've covered the basics its up to you. You have to test and refine and repeat. If you want to give up, give up, it takes a lot of hard work to make it in this industry and some people just don't have what it takes in terms of work ethic.
Shoemoney -> crap
UberAffiliate -> crap
Jon Waraas -> no idea (never read)
WickedFire -> good

And you can't blindly buy ebooks, you gotta go through the fire by trials and errors. Losing money and eventually making money. for seo
and then of course wickedfire.
I forgot to add: Warrior Forum especially the WSO section is considered by many as one of the best resource in learning AM. It also tells you how to get accepted by most CPA companies. You should take a look at it.
Only one dickroll, no gang rape? You guys disappoint for going soft.

To the OP: A lot of people here start out with PPC Coach to get trained at their forum and get experience by using their tools. I'm a member, and it gives you the chance to ask the dumber questions you can't ask here. Do a search and you'll get more info at this forum about them. Some people say it's worth it, others not.

Good luckies.
Actually two dickrolls :) Yeah newbie should go to PPC Coach. They train you well.. Seriously..

Only one dickroll, no gang rape? You guys disappoint for going soft.

To the OP: A lot of people here start out with PPC Coach to get trained at their forum and get experience by using their tools. I'm a member, and it gives you the chance to ask the dumber questions you can't ask here. Do a search and you'll get more info at this forum about them. Some people say it's worth it, others not.

Good luckies.
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