

New member
Jul 26, 2010
Hello I would like to ask when I purchase a hosting package from a hosting company, which is the function that I have to include to prevent my name from being shown up when someone is checking my WHOIS?

Or should it be done when I am signing up for a domain name? Sorry, kind of confused here. If so, what is the normal required additional price for that?

And when a hosting company says 'unlimited bandwidth' and 'unlimited sites', do they really mean it? Especially if one is going to build a website with tons of ftp files for their vistors to download? Doesn't seem er.. quite practical(cant find a better word)

and also the price between hosting one site and multiple sites doesnt seem to click.. checked out justhost and hostgator for example, you only add 3-4bucks more to host multiple sites when you need to pay 4-5bucks for one site?

Your privacy will be on the domain side. Domain privacy only cost a couple more bucks a year and is well worth it.
As far as the unlimited hosting, There is no such thing as a unlimited sized hard drive. You always have to read the fine print. Mainly All the Unl Hosts state in the TOS that you can not run a file hosting site and so on. When you start putting over a certain load on the shared server they will first offer you a VPS or a dedicated prior to suspending you.
Your best bet is going with a VPS for a small mild sized FTP sharing site with an unmetered 10mbit connection.
I Just picked up a server with an unmetered 100mbit drop for only $99 and seen 10mbit dedi's starting at $49/month with cp. Well worth it to have the option of not getting suspended.
When you register your domain you have the option to purchase whois privacy.

The 'unlimited' packages may have unlimited storage and bandwidth, however you'll find that you have a limited amount of database calls, maybe 100k per month or so. This won't effect you if your serving a static site, however if you're running wordpress (which you want to, wordpress is amazing) then you'll be making database calls every time someone visits your site.

Your first couple of sites will probably work ok on a shared host, however you WILL out grow it quicker than you think. The difference is seriously probably one nights drinking per month for a VPS which you won't outgrow as fast, and your sites will perform much better regardless.

Hosting is an area where you CANNOT AFFORD TO SKIMP ON.
Could you give me some rough estimated values and the cost for a VPS hosting ?

Like 15$/mth of VPS can afford ~1000MB of downloads that kinda thing..

Well I'm not viewing this from exactly a file hosting site point of view; for example if I start a fansite like starcraft and warcraft 3 and have some of the custom maps for download on my sites(the sizes should range from around 500kb to 2.5MB), how many downloads would I be able to afford on a 'normal' server?

or rather what would be the recommendation? or it would be better to stick with a normal host and build the site first and then transfer it over if I find out I am running out of bandwidth?

And I did read somewhere that wordpress hogs up a lot of bandwidth.. is that true
To give you an idea of my growth; within 3 months I was using paid traffic (PPC and PPV) and at that point i moved to a vps.

A crappy host will probably have no issues with the size of the files as such, however YOU will HATE your crappy hosts shaky uptime and poor disaster recovery setup.