Hosting/transferring problems with a new site.

Hey guys,

I am having a few problems with my site. I have purchased a domain from and bought hosting from just host. I am fairly sure I have transferred my site and installed wordpress with a simple script but every time I try to do the wp-admin log in it comes up with a “problem loading page” I have tried to change the name server from my namecheap account but it doesn’t appear to have any effect. The only possible thing I can see is that my local host is not the same address as the rest in my DNS zone editor.

Does anyone know what to do?


So just to clarify, you developed your site on your local machine then purchased hosting to move it there? IF that's the case you need to change a couple things. Make sure you visit the following article for more information. You'll have to change a URL in the DB and change your Wp-config file. Also, when you ping your domain are you getting a reply back from your server ip?

Changing The Site URL « WordPress Codex
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It can sometimes take a day or two for nameservers to get recognized as changed especially if you keep updating them. I have had this happen with namecheap. How long has it been since you switched nameservers?

Also - as per above post you need to look at DB urls.