hosting provider's DNS or my own?


New member
Jun 4, 2009
I've been pointing domains to my server's DNS, but I'm thinking that it would be better to point them to my hosting company's DNS instead. They're advising against this though. What do you guys think?

I'm thinking in terms of an anonymity standpoint, but are there possible performance issues or other things I should think about?

As long as your private nameservers are set up correctly there will be absolutely no performance loss when compared to using your hosts nameservers.

The only thing it will change is that you will be able to provide your clients with your own name servers and hide the fact that you're reselling another providers service.

If you're just providing hosting for yourself then there is no real need to use private name servers really, unless you just want to :)
Yeah, I've been using my own private DNS, but thinking it would be better to use the hosts' dns. Just to keep my domains a little more anonymous as an affiliate marketer (not reselling any hosting).

I was thinking though, if I ever decide to move my servers to another hosting company or manage them myself, it'd be easier to migrate everything if the DNS was already pointing to my server rather than the host.
Yea, if you already have your domain pointed to and then all you'd need to do is move host, change the IP's at the registrar, get your new host to set the domain A records and it'll be done pretty quick, otherwise you'd need to wait for them to propagate.

To be honest though, in recent years I've noticed that waiting for DNS changes has become less of a pain, they seem to be getting quicker.