Hosting of Your Affiliate Sites

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New member
Jun 26, 2006
For those that have multiple affiliate sites, do you have them all on the one hosting account or do you have a few accounts that you spread them across? Also any reasons why you host them this way?

Site5 presents a good solution for this

Wouldnt putting the sites on different servers increase your PR? If the sites are inner linked (backlinks) and relavent to each other.

Although it seems noone cares about PR anymore
even though no one says they care anymore, I bet most people prefer a link from a PR site than a non PR site if they can get it. I like getting PR links you need to understand that having a good PR doesn't mean traffic and it doesn't mean rankings but it's a good indicator for how you site is viewed overall by Google, and it can be used as a bit of leverage when doing work for clients and showing them how you have a good PR on your site even if they don't understand what your talking about.
rembrandt said:
For those that have multiple affiliate sites, do you have them all on the one hosting account or do you have a few accounts that you spread them across? Also any reasons why you host them this way?

There might be even competitive reasons as well:

If you host all of your sites under the same IP. address, it's easy for your competition to find out which sites you own. They only need to find one of your sites in order to find the rest! :costumed-smiley-013 (this doesn't work always, especially when you 'share' your IP. address with other webmasters)
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