Hosting in Asia


New member
Feb 17, 2008
I'm looking for a cheap hosting solution in Asia, preferably south korea. The reason I want a host in Asia is because I want low latency. It doesn't have to be super fast, just not slow. If anyone thinks I can get away with something in the states, then let me know.
I've had a look at cloud hosting, mainly because it would be neat, but also because I would like the scalability without having to pay for a dedi from the beginning when I don't even know if my project will take off. Any ideas?

Hosting in Asia is rather expensive, you can take a look into West Coast providers as they provide the best latency to Asia. Los Angeles, San Jose, and Seattle typically have the best routes.
Thanks for that, Jim. What kind of latency would your company have to Seoul?

Anyone else can confirm what he said in the above post?