Hosting - How do you approach this?


New member
Aug 27, 2013
Say I want to start 50 different websites over 10 different niches. I have reasons to not want these sites to be IP "associated".

Ideally, is the way to go to split all these websites onto their own hosting package? Or should I maybe split them by each niche? Should I split the hosting at all?


According my experience, there is no problem if 50 different websites / domains in an web hosting account as long as they are little traffic.

If a website/ domain get massive traffic - e.g: 50,000 visitors/day, you need to split it to other web hosting account or other web hosting service.
The issue isn't server power.
lol some people are very funny here.

Few options you have depending on what you want to do with your sites. YOu can use blogger to host your sites for free and they give you different ip's from google and you really dont have to worry about any downtime. The other option is to go with enom or leapswitch or Arctic hosting. The other option is amazon EC2 servers that you pay based on bandwidth used.

hope that gives you enough options if you want different ips.

My post was a reply to @himanuzo's. In his post you will find mentions of traffic in numbers of visitors. k?
There are a few decent shares hosts that offer what has been branded "SEO hosting" which is basically just the ability to flick the IP of a site.

"Skynet" is one,
"SEO Web Hosting" is another
There are a few decent shares hosts that offer what has been branded "SEO hosting" which is basically just the ability to flick the IP of a site.

"Skynet" is one,
"SEO Web Hosting" is another

Skynet are morons.

There are a few really really really shitty shares hosts that offer what has been branded "SEO hosting" which is basically just a giant COME GET ME GOOGLE beacon that you never have to worry about until you start makeing the monies. Then it all goes poof.

"Skynet" is one,
"SEO Web Hosting" is another

I corrected your statement.
I always go with hostgator. They are allowing me to have multiple shared hosting plans. If one site reaches example 20k traffic a month I move that site to an upgraded plan on the "same account" but a different sole plan.

Or Am I doing it wrong? please correct me if you see it fit. I want to improve on this part.
I corrected your statement.

While it was pointed out skynet are morons in an earlier post and I agree (mainly because when you get into a little trouble with anything and need anything out of the ordinary with support they are awful).

The guys are great and I have sites on their IPs that rank and make nice money each month so I would definitely call you on the flagging yourself to google comment.