Hosting for PPV


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Wondering what people use for hosting at different traffic volume levels for their PPV pop-up creatives. So far I've just been direct linking email submits and using the hosted (not self-hosted) Bevo platform for tracking (which Ryan claims can apparently handle over 100k views/day without issue).

In terms of hosting for the actual creative though, I have no idea at what point I need to start looking at more than just basic shared hosting and when I get to that point, what I should be looking at based on my volume. Currently driving <100 views/day while I'm just testing a couple tiny things on very niche targets through Media Traffic but that will obviously grow significantly once I've got some other things in place and start rolling out my own creative.

Also trying to get a feel for whether I should be looking at cloud hosting on Rackspace vs. a VPS or dedi. Appreciate any guidance the more hardware-savvy here can provide.

i would suggest trying stormondemand - i wrote a pretty informative review of it at the blog
Go with a cloud...but don't limit yourself to rackspace, storm on demand seems pretty nice, and there's others out there too.
I'll definitely look into those solutions but any thoughts as to what point I might need them at? I have no feel for the volume that begins to necessitate a cloud solution or a VPS.
+1 for Storm on Demand, you can easily create, upgrade, and downgrade servers on the fly. Been using them for 6 months.
So can anybody comment on when I need to start looking at different levels of hardware based on traffic volume? Like what volume would be fine on vps versus what would require a dedi?
I have a dedi with Liquidweb (I've had 100% uptime ever since I started using them at the start of the year), but unless you're doing big traffic volume or have a large size lander, a $40 a month VPS should do the job, and like others have mentioned StormonDemand is meant to be good.
Assuming an average lander without video or audio can anybody actually throw out some volume numbers for when things start getting dropped on a vps? I just have no feel for how much traffic is too much for a shared host.
Assuming an average lander without video or audio can anybody actually throw out some volume numbers for when things start getting dropped on a vps? I just have no feel for how much traffic is too much for a shared host.

Any traffic you pay for is too much for a shared host. With a shared host you're at the mercy of other people slamming their websites, spammers etc.

Shared hosting is for shit websites that get zero traffic.
So can anybody comment on when I need to start looking at different levels of hardware based on traffic volume? Like what volume would be fine on vps versus what would require a dedi?

Really depends on the size of your landing page php and mysql code. Oh and the number of views/day isn't relevant views per minute or second would be a better measure and don't forget the cost of going down.

Personally I would never send more than a couple thousand paid visitors/day to shared hosting account because you never know when it is going to go down and there is a real chance that even if the server stays up that your hosting provider will shut you off without notice for "excessive usage".

The cost of loosing your server while paying for traffic going to it can be very expensive.
I started using Storm on Demand for PPV thanks to a good recommendation, and so far they have been great. I am far from a technical person, but my guess is that if you're serving lots of PPV ads then the limitation is how many MBs of data per second it can send out. I was losing a lot of traffic on a VPS when I was getting around 60,000 views per day. I would say go VPS for everything above zero:) and then dedicated for anything above a few thousand daily views. That's been my experience. The good thing about Storm is you can scale up when you've got a winning campaign, and then scale back down when it dies. I'm talking landers here that weigh ~100K-150K. Anything more tends to load too slowly for me on PPV...
OK so I guess the next question is if i go the self hosted tracking route is it OK to have that and my landers on the same domain (obviously with a sub domain or something for one) or does that typically create a much larger server load?
rackspace cloud for the win. pair it with their cloudfiles CDN for image delivery and you'll have an ultra fast loading LP depending on your server size which can scale up and down. its cloud, duhhh. its worked well for me. but dont take my word for it

explore all your options.