Homepage not freakin' indexed on multiple Website Tonight sites..


An Inglorious Bastard
Jul 20, 2010
Dominican Republic
I've got 5 exact match minisites built and hosted on godaddys hosting service, they are about 1 month old and the sub-pages come up when I search my domain URL but not the Homepage. This is on EVERY site, anyone else dealt with this crap? :angryfire:

Funny. Is there like a script on the homepage or something that is preventing it from being scanned? Robots doing its job?
Double check your .htaccess. I was having the same problems with a few sites and finally rebuild my .htaccess on all of them and that fixed the problem. If your sites are on Google webmaster tools, go down to "Labs" on the left, and click "Fetch as Googlebot". That will tell you if there's any problems that might not be letting it get indexed.
Funny. Is there like a script on the homepage or something that is preventing it from being scanned? Robots doing its job?

Double check your .htaccess. I was having the same problems with a few sites and finally rebuild my .htaccess on all of them and that fixed the problem. If your sites are on Google webmaster tools, go down to "Labs" on the left, and click "Fetch as Googlebot". That will tell you if there's any problems that might not be letting it get indexed.

sounds to me like robots.txt may be preventing google bot from spidering
did you look in your webmaster tools ? If you haven't done so, submit sitemaps for your sites as well

You see why it's smart to hang around smart people? Thanks guys, I will check it out right now. :bowdown:
Website Tonight is a pile of crap. Slow, Ugly themes, and bad SEO is all built in.

I suggest getting away from it. Just do Wordpress on some normal LAMP hosting.

I had a client that could not get adwords traffic from all the bad parts of WT. Landing Page Quality Poor.... No htaccess. No direct robots.txt. poor page names indexed.

Wordpress fixed it.