Homebrew PC features 2MHz hand-wrapped CPU

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Very impressive. Most people don't realize just how much goes into a single CPU. Could you imagine if he built a modern day processor?
Very impressive. Most people don't realize just how much goes into a single CPU. Could you imagine if he built a modern day processor?

Yes, yes I could.

His Grandchildren's Grandchildren would have to finish it and that one would still be of NO USE to them either!!! (Compared to what will be available to them at that time. Cost, Time, and Speed/Capacity considered!!)

I'm also a HUGE FAN of the GRANT MONEY being spent to try and build a Pyramid out of solid 100 ton stones instead of modern building materials.

Oh, did I mention that I go out & play "Civil War" too!!!


Why this guy would waste such OBVIOUS talent making something that has been made before which has become obsolete is beyond "me".

To "me" that would be like creating an old BBS with 9600 baud modems on regular phone lines and trying to launch a NEW affiliate program, instead of putting my energies into the "Modern BBS"!!


MT (Modern Technology!!) ONLY!!
Also can't go without giving props to shoemoney's intel collection

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