Holy SHIT! This is the market to get into


New member
Jun 29, 2006
OK..long story short - I met an old friend on the weekend, who I hand't seen for a long time.

Geezes fuck, they fucked his brain!

"Energized" salt crystals, "Tesla" energy plates (purple colored metal plates), Energizing jewelry... woodoo science.. you name it, he got it.

So this is a formerly educated man (German Abitur, some university) who is trained in his job as a winemaker (he can explain all the chemistry and biology to make your head spin) completely buying into crack science...

He pays 8 Euros ~11 USD for a lb of salt, and 24Euros ~ 33 USD for a credit card sized, purple painted aluminum plate.

"There is this biophysics professor who..."
"Dude, there is no such thing as biophysics."
"But his audiobook is 4 hours long..."

For reference:
Swiss Tesla plates (in German)
Tesla Purpur Platten - Swiss Made - Swiss Tesla - Tesla Energie Platten - Schweizer Original-Tachyonenprodukte nach Nikola Tesla - langjaehrige Erfahrung


PS: For those interested, no, I am not really going into this, as Swiss and German "Impressum " law requires you to put your personal information on commercial sites, and I will not be associated with this.

Those "Tesla" energy plates are available on the market a long time; I remember them from 15 or 18 years ago. I even purchased one, sales letter was good. That was my first and last "placebo" effect experience.

Laughing at you now.


I heard a radio ad tonight...

"Nitric Oxide is an amazing sexual performance booster for..." (1 Group)

Wait for it...

"Men and women" (Now 2 groups)

Wait for it...

"It has also been shown to improve your mood, help your prostate, boost your energy, increase focus, support restful sleep..." (Now like 8 groups)

Wait for it...

"Plus you'll feel young again! It's known to combat old age and restore your body. Some say it can even protect against certain cancers" (Now 100's of groups)


Miracle cure for everything... Jeez.

How in the world did that even make the air...

Strong frauding.

People buy "Woodoo" stuff all the time.

Amazing how deception can be so easy...
Shit like that is what they sell on Astro TV all day long.. Astrology phone consulting is even better. I wonder what people call them.. Actually I don't want to know I guess
New Agers are the most gullible fuckers on the planet.

I had a buddy who spent $6,000 on a "Mystery School" that sounded like it could have been put together by a bunch of bored assholes last minute (One of the "Mystics" claimed she talked to fairies on a regular basis. She also claimed Jesus Christ and JR Tolkien were initiates into the same Mystery School).

Energy crystals. Astral Projection guides. Binaural beats.

It's all gold. It's all delusional. It's mostly untapped by serious marketers.
New Agers are the most gullible fuckers on the planet.

I had a buddy who spent $6,000 on a "Mystery School" that sounded like it could have been put together by a bunch of bored assholes last minute (One of the "Mystics" claimed she talked to fairies on a regular basis. She also claimed Jesus Christ and JR Tolkien were initiates into the same Mystery School).

Energy crystals. Astral Projection guides. Binaural beats.

It's all gold. It's all delusional. It's mostly untapped by serious marketers.

Binaural beats are legit though no joke.

Tried couple times in college was obviously skeptical but did feel some pretty strange sensations
Well, binaural beats do have an effect on the brain, but NOT what is claimed.

I've been in this type of market before and done pretty well. The old-timers all say that one in five people are extremely susceptible to this kind of marketing.

It has always kind of blown my mind how accurate the 1 in 5 rule is.

So, I'm watching this thread to see if one in five participants say things like...
"Yeah, but XXXXX really does work."
Yeah, its pretty amazing how many people are into this stuff. And even more amazing how many people are seriously banking with some pretty shitty sites. I remember when I was really into Lucid Dreaming/Astral Projection... The astral thing didn't really work out... and I think I dream lucidly all the time so it's pretty much just normal dreaming? I'm not sure. But people like to believe that they have this superhuman potential that they can "unlock" if given the right secret sauce.
Every male up my dad's line before me, including my dad, wears those stupid ass magnet bracelets. Makes me ashamed to be a hobbster.

My 89 year old grandma has one of those bullshit magnet bracelet things. Honestly though, I'd rather listen to her talk about how she thinks that stupid bracelet helps her arthritis than listen to her talk how she's sad, lonely and ready to die...
I made $30 selling magic spells on ebay one time, just to see if I could.

I got paid, i sent an email saying the magic spell had been cast, and i got +feedback. 3 times.
It blows me away any of you guys are surprised at this, and even more shocked there should be a qualm in your little heads to exploit it.

Ever heard of James Earl Ray? Kevin Trudeau? Any of a thousand other huckster fucks?

Get over your bad self- like one of the best sigs on this forum states:

"These people aren't our allies, they're our FOOD".

And like Gumps Mom said, "Stupid Is as Stupid Does".

It blows me away any of you guys are surprised at this, and even more shocked there should be a qualm in your little heads to exploit it.

Ever heard of James Earl Ray? Kevin Trudeau? Any of a thousand other huckster fucks?

Get over your bad self- like one of the best sigs on this forum states:

"These people aren't our allies, they're our FOOD".

And like Gumps Mom said, "Stupid Is as Stupid Does".


We're really surprised that you felt the need to position yourself over the rest of the posters in this thread when nobody was surprised or shocked, only appalled, which is quite different. Some of us also would not stoop so low as to siphon money from idiots who believe in nonsense. Some of us choose to keep our integrity and dignity intact.
Yeah, its pretty amazing how many people are into this stuff. And even more amazing how many people are seriously banking with some pretty shitty sites. I remember when I was really into Lucid Dreaming/Astral Projection... The astral thing didn't really work out... and I think I dream lucidly all the time so it's pretty much just normal dreaming? I'm not sure. But people like to believe that they have this superhuman potential that they can "unlock" if given the right secret sauce.

Errrr.... nope.

Lucid Dreaming is NOT "normal dreams" and it is also NOT "astral projection"

(Astral projection being oh so much esoteric bunk)


I have no qualms about taking money from idiots. I was just shaken by a close, educated friend being one.

Why I am not getting into this?

a) As stated above - my name would be published alongside
b) You would have to mingle with that crowd... eeeeeeks

Also LOL at the tag "Swizz is not Germany boy"

I know. But since early 2011 Switzerland has the same "Impressumspflicht" as Germany does. I talked about both, because it would be easy to set up a site in .de (and one of the alternatives always in my mind, you know, languages being similar)
For more info https://blog.hostpoint.ch/de/2011/12/impressumspflicht-ab-fruehling-auch-in-der-schweiz/

I have no qualms about taking money from idiots. I was just shaken by a close, educated friend being one.

Actually, educated people tend to make some of the best marks for confidence scams. For one, they usually have a higher income level and more money in the bank than others.

Secondly, some of these otherwise intelligence folks can be lead to believe that they are too smart to be conned and will buy the too-good-to-be-true bullshit wholesale because of that. It's just playing on their hubris, and is a cornerstone of many good cons.

Education and intelligence does not always equal common sense.