Holy Shit Bricks IPhone Lion

I am not sure if this will make the old businessmen happy...lol.. Features are cool but doesn't fit the general public need... Small icons are not good anyway...
Looked it up a bit more and this is a Theme for a jailbreak app called DreamBoard. You can also make your phone look like windows 7 or an android phone.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0B2Ne9GyzLM]DreamBoard - Insane home screen setups! - YouTube[/ame]

I must have been in a cave when this stuff came out, I need to get out from under my rock.
LOL. This interface looks just like what Microsoft tried with Windows Mobile 6.0 back in 2006, and even with earlier versions before that.


It's basically a direct copy of the desktop OS taskbar and menus. Who on earth wants a desktop UI with dropdown menus et al on a touchscreen phone? It sucks, is too small for your fingers, and gets old fast.

Look at Android, or most recently, even Windows Mobile, if you want to see a great mobile UI that's fun to use and actually works great in its natural environment.
Mac OSx or Windows are not made to be touched. You can see the frustration of trying to point the finger to the right menu item. This is why there are icons in phones, rather than a menu. And it's the exact reason why previous Windows Mobile failed.