Hiring a Programmer to build MLM System?


Marketing Dope
Jan 4, 2011
Currently assembling a "legal" and in-depth MLM system w/ a 3-tier payment system, and realize there is no way in hell I can possibly program everything my marketing system would need to include, and would have to offer to operate seamlessly.

I have the entire "vision" mapped out, and have found DAP (Digital Access Point) provides nearly all the components I would need to "build" my business model.

I am planning to acquire statewide Retail License, Retail Sales Permit, Incorporate, and have looked deep into what constitutes a legal MLM from that of an illegal pyramid scheme. I also intend to have a lawyer proof or design the user agreement, TOS, and any disclaimers to insure everything is legit. And of course...pay taxes and require members have tax form info on file for monies received!

*My idea is 100% legal, and should produce a huge success rate for members, so long as the system works as I hope it can be programmed to my specs. It has a few unique features I have not seen being done before. This doesn't mean it hasn't, but to date I know of nothing like this platform.

Ultimately, I have found freelance sites that offer the opportunity to post the project in local ads, and receive "bids" from local programmers to complete the project. (*I am considering this option.)

I also found actual companies that specialize in creating business platforms, but I imagine the costs would exceed my planned budget (under $5,000 for everything...graphics, salespages, squeeze pages, video, content, advertising, and programming.) -Much of which I already have, or will be doing myself. *Anything higher than $5,000, I would need to consider approaching investors/partners interested in the concept or establish a deferred percentage contract to the programmer on over all results.

Honestly, I prefer the latter, whereby the programmer gets some money up-front, another chunk when the project is complete to spec, and then keep him/her on board to share in the growth and profit of the business. This too, would enable tweaks, updates, upgrades, and added features later.

What can I do before disclosing my idea to legally bind a "confidentiality clause" or to protect my "idea"?

-I realize they offer patents on certain marketing strategies and platforms, but most require a "new" technology or invention. I don't think it's so unique to require all that, but I do fear a good programmer could easily "steal" my idea, and leave me high and dry.

In closing, the thought scares the shit out of me as this idea has the potential to produce 6-7 figure income. My 17 son keeps reminding me I need to watch the movie about Facebook "Social Network", while my idea may never be that big, it definitely appeals to all whom I've entrusted to hear the details, and offers residual income to paid members.

Programmers and Business minded marketers alike are welcome to share some insight, and direction as to how I can take this from the drawing board into a reality!

Honestly, this plan/platform could benefit newbies like me, and IM pro's with some serious cash flow! -It's so big, and expandable it's fucking scary...:music06:

But I need some help. Thanks in advance!


Your post is too long. You should just put at the top "5K budget for the whole project" so anyone who knows what they're doing can avoid you.
I certainly would pay more...and had no intention to offend programmers. It's one of those circumstantial handicaps..I don't have wheel-barrels of cash...yet!
For the record, let's project I have $5,000 to get started pay "X" upfront, balance upon completetion, and for shit's and giggle's 10% of ALL profits drafted on a legal binding contract.

(10% of 1M is $100k) ...Perhaps that is more enticing!
MLM software is a bitch to write. Not really because it's super complicated, but the people you have to deal with. I helped write one of the first types of a certain comp plan I won't name, because I don't want it tied back to me, but it was a fucking nightmare. I wouldn't wish dealing with MLMers on my worst enemy.
Well crackp0t at least your honest. Most of what I need done does concern the 3-tiered payment plan, and there needs to be a "unique I.D." that every registered member receives upon sign-up that tracks all sales accurately.

I do not want some "browser cookie system" that gets voided when user clear their cache. To me, affiliate marketers incur huge losses, cause everyone I know clears their cache and cookies when they log-out.

For the record, I'm not your typical MLM'er I'm a guy who has an idea, that's all!
Well crackp0t at least your honest. Most of what I need done does concern the 3-tiered payment plan, and there needs to be a "unique I.D." that every registered member receives upon sign-up that tracks all sales accurately.

I do not want some "browser cookie system" that gets voided when user clear their cache. To me, affiliate marketers incur huge losses, cause everyone I know clears their cache and cookies when they log-out.

For the record, I'm not your typical MLM'er I'm a guy who has an idea, that's all!

To be fair you might be better owners than they were, but they let their "rockstars" in to fuck everything up.

I just got looking at the stuff again out of shits and giggles. It looks like they now own an affiliate marketing company and probably some noobs here are affiliates =\. They also own a bunch of other shit they were talking about, but it looks like a 5th grader made them.

Best of luck to you though. If you execute it right there's money to be made.
Ignore Dap. It's a wordpress plugin for managing who gets what content for the main part. By the time the person you hire is done reverse engineering it you will have wasted a whole lot of time/money.

You really don't have a lot to work with - especially if you plan on hiring a lawyer, designer, copywriter, etc...

There are existing MLM scripts out there. If I was you I would ask around in those lovely "make money" forums what is still stable.

Buy it.

Pay an American (not racist - do you really want to be trying to explain 3 levels of commissions with a language barrier) to clean it up, secure it, etc.. I guarantee it will be a piece of crap and it's going to need work... even if you buy the best MLM script out there.

On a side note, you should probably abandon the idea now :). YOU may think you have a legal idea. Your lawyer may think you have a legal idea. Your Momma might even be proud.

Visa, Mastercard, and Paypal all won't be. In fact they will eventually show their displeasure by stopping your ability to process payments.

Make sure you have a MERCHANT ACCOUNT, and make sure it's a high risk acceptable account. Otherwise you will just get shut down -- in fact get more than one to cover your ass.

Bluntly - you don't have enough $$ to even deal with the lawyers to be truly legal with a MLM.... the lawyer will eat up most of your 5k
Ignore Dap. It's a wordpress plugin for managing who gets what content for the main part. By the time the person you hire is done reverse engineering it you will have wasted a whole lot of time/money.

You really don't have a lot to work with - especially if you plan on hiring a lawyer, designer, copywriter, etc...

There are existing MLM scripts out there. If I was you I would ask around in those lovely "make money" forums what is still stable.

Buy it.

Pay an American (not racist - do you really want to be trying to explain 3 levels of commissions with a language barrier) to clean it up, secure it, etc.. I guarantee it will be a piece of crap and it's going to need work... even if you buy the best MLM script out there.

On a side note, you should probably abandon the idea now :). YOU may think you have a legal idea. Your lawyer may think you have a legal idea. Your Momma might even be proud.

Visa, Mastercard, and Paypal all won't be. In fact they will eventually show their displeasure by stopping your ability to process payments.

Make sure you have a MERCHANT ACCOUNT, and make sure it's a high risk acceptable account. Otherwise you will just get shut down -- in fact get more than one to cover your ass.

Bluntly - you don't have enough $$ to even deal with the lawyers to be truly legal with a MLM.... the lawyer will eat up most of your 5k

You know, as much as I hate to admit it...the projected nightmare and response had me to abandon that ship. The mere thought of how many people probably dispute charges simply because 90% of internet marketers tend to fail, quit, give up, or make excuses....you're 100% right.

Ironically, since I posted this some weeks ago the iconic giant "little guy" as I call him "Ewen Chia" created Perpetual20. This is so similar to the idea I was working on, only mine was to include actual web-hosting (with me becoming a reseller of course) -massive product access t my Master Resale Collection (huge...lol), training, and was going to be in a 3-tier format rather than the 2-up method Chia's system is using.

I can always do this later without the tiered system through a membership site, once I collectively assemble solid tools, resources, and assemble a training team. <----Again money required!!!

At least that would exclude the legal vortex to hell, and possible credit card merchant nightmare. Wasted a solid 100+ hours to learn from that mistake.

Honestly, I'm gonna join Perpetual20 just to see if I can find committed people to grow with me, then use that downline to collectively bridge my membership site....with their money hopefully <---sounds so cynical when you think about it, doesn't it...:xmas-smiley-016: <---kinda like lying to little kids!!!

crackp0t....Forgive me if I am wrong to guess here, don't know why but the name Dave Dubbs is screaming in my head to your above "rockstars" comment....as I happen to know of Craig's old program, for I wasn't only a client...I was an idiot who joined for $1000.00 (with no computer knowledge at all!! zero, none, nada, zilch!!) -oops!

That said, couldn't help but wonder "if" that was the project you mentioned above and "restrained mention" of those prior efforts?

They had a sweet set-up, and I gotta admit, I liked Dave's put up or shut up attitude in teaching.

In truth, I learned a lot from Dave, but didn't realize it until nearly 2 years later when the big picture came into focus, and I began to see how they actually made money!

I'm sticking with more reputable sources these days. Took awhile to see which are long-term'ers -vs- those looking for a quickie.

Anyway, apologies for the delay...definitely heeded the advice.

MLM software is a bitch to write. Not really because it's super complicated, but the people you have to deal with. I helped write one of the first types of a certain comp plan I won't name, because I don't want it tied back to me, but it was a fucking nightmare. I wouldn't wish dealing with MLMers on my worst enemy.

Tell me about it. I started and owned envex.com for five years, which is/was a leader in MLM software. Was a pain in the ass. Have customers coming to you with things like, "well, I came up with this triple spinning reversing diamond matrix pay plan. can you program it for me?".

That, and the industry is just complete hype. There's nothing tangible being sold or traded, and everyone is also extremely impatient. Make them wait more than 24 hours for a response, and you'll get e-mails, "CONTACT ME RIGHT NOW, OR I'M SUING!!!"

I'm glad I'm out of that industry. :)
Here is your problem (as I see it). You have $5K to invest. That shows a few things:

1) You have most likely not run a "successful" business before
2) You expect the programmers work to be done within a month, otherwise any good local programmer is going to wonder why you're wasting their time with barely a months wages
3) You're not serious about the project. You haven't remortgaged your house, taken out a debt, done anything to put yourself at risk, so why should the programmer?

Your other posts indicated that you're not a seasoned online marketer either, which tends to be what programmers lack. So all you really have to offer is an idea. If you had proof of business success, or proof of marketing success, then it might be worth a programmer devoting the next six months of their lives to you, but for now, it's not.