Highest Converting Affiliate Program For Russian Traffic?


New member
Apr 12, 2010
I run a video search website.

Most days I receive between 10 and 50 visitors from a Russian IP address.

Occasionally however, I receive upwards of 500 to 1,000 visitors from Russian IPs per day. They'll come full on for a few hours, and then stop.

I'm not sure if they're even real people, (my gut tells me it's a botnet) because my site doesn't cater to Cyrillic lettering at all. So I have no idea who would be sending them my way or how they arrived. But I'd like to redirect them all to someplace possibly profitable either way.

So, what's the next big thing in Russia? Or who can point me to a somewhat reputable Russian affiliate program?

Nobody, eh?!

I have since opted to completed block all russian traffic using the htaccess records found on this site. They're not perfect however, still seeing a few russians slipping through the cracks.

Which makes me wonder... could I be blocking non russians now too? :S
I get shit like that happening on a small dating site of mine. Unless you have links on a Russian board or something, I'd assume the traffic is a bot of some sort. Look at the nature of the videos you have up and try to figure out what's bringing them there -- find out more about the IP they're originating from. As for monetizing: MMO, or try pushing American dating offers (I'm sure you've received enough emails from Russian ladies to realize how this might help).

It could all be a crap-shoot though: No saying someone here isn't running a script through a Russian server.