High search low cpc


New member
Dec 4, 2010
Hello guys, have you used low cpc keywords with high traffic to build a niche. Here is the scenario, Google has many .5 Cent keywords that really nobody targets but are searched heavy monthly. So you would end up having a site with huge traffic but does not pay much because of the .5Cent keyword.

What adsense aternatives are there to target this low cpc but high traffic keywords. I would like to hear your experiences aswell as your ideas on this matter.

you could also run into the problem of having a lack of advertisers using those keywords, hence why they are 5 cents
you could also run into the problem of having a lack of advertisers using those keywords, hence why they are 5 cents

very good point, search for the keywords and see how many people are actually bidding on the keywords. Since $.05 is the bare minimum, there's probably very few if any