High-Quality Content from an English native pursuing an English major—$2/100 words

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Jun 25, 2010
Mesa, AZ
Rating - 100%
7   0   0
The Who, What, Where, When & Why of My Service
Who am I?
My name is Houston, but the majority of my friends call me Hustin (hence the username). I'm 19-years-old and currently pursuing a major in English at the University of Arizona. I was born in the United States, have lived here all my life, and am a native English speaker.
What am I offering?
I'm offering high-quality content at $2/100 words on whatever topic you need content written for. If I think I will need more time to write your content due to it's topic, I will let you know upfront. Moreover, I will require the money be paid upfront through Paypal.
Where am I located?
I currently live in Tucson, Arizona.
When can I start taking on orders? When will your receive your order?
I'll start taking on orders as soon as my free review copies have been taken, completed, and the reviews have been posted. I am offering 3 free review copies of 500 words each to 3 reputable Wickedfire members who have over 1,000 posts and an iTrader above 10.

Right now, the turn around time for content will be 24 hours or less for orders less than or equal to 1,500 words. This is subject to change as I get a better gauge on how long it takes me to write content on specific topics, and the changes will be relayed to you upfront. In fact, any changes I make to any of my original information will be relayed upfront to those who wish to use my services. I'm not here to fuck you over, I'm here to help you.

And, just an FYI: I have classes Monday through Friday. Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday I am done with classes by 12 and every Tuesday, Thursday by 3. Again, if my schedule changes or I have plans that will conflict with fulfilling orders, you will know upfront.
Why am I offering this service?
The most obvious reason I am offering this service is also the most materialistic: money. However, that's not the only reason. I decided I'd offer this service as a way to give back to the Wickedfire community. I have my own specific internet marketing goals I wish to achieve, and this forum will play a huge part in allowing me to achieve my goals while helping me work through my failures.

I plan on participating in threads outside of BST, obviously, but this is the best way I can turn a passion of mine into something of value to the other members of Wickedfire.

In the words of Isaac Newton, “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” I realize that in this business, much like in life, how successful I am rests in large part on the borrowing from and expanding upon the intellect and imagination of those who came before me.

That acknowledged, I know I will get no where if I don't pay homage to those who have or who will help me along the way. This content writing service is the venue I've chosen to show my appreciation while building up my reputation in this community.

Other Questions, Comments, or Concerns?

If you have any other questions, comments, or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask. For the sake of transparency, please do not PM me any of the above unless what you're PMing me about contains proprietary information. I will obviously respect your necessity for privacy, but I want everything out in the open so that I can allow myself to stay open to criticism. It is the only way I can improve both my service and my reputation.
Contact info:
AIM: hustinjones
Mail: hustinjones@aim.com



can you give me a free review copy please? :)

Hey, angelo. Thanks for the inquiry! Unfortunately, you're 812 posts away from my minimum post requirement and 6 iTrader points away from my minimum iTrader requirement. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I must stay firm with those requirements to ensure that my reviews are taken to be credible by the entire Wickedfire community. If you need any content written after these reviews have been taken, feel free to post in this thread again. I would be more than happy to work with you at that point.
hey dude, I'll take a review copy...PM the details you need when you have a chance

Hey, dchuk! PM sent. I'm very much looking forward to doing business with you. Don't forget to post a review of my service, please, as it is the only way I can establish myself and my service as reliable and up to par with how I advertised it in the OP.

1 of 3 review copies taken.
Lulz at having grammatical errors in your original post, but still maintaining that you deserve $2/100 words despite being completely new to writing articles for people.

You really are an asshole.
Reviewwwwwwwwww timeeeeeee

HUST1N hit me up on Skype shortly after we were PMing each other and was super nice, seems like he's got his head on straight and is ready to bust ass to get to the next level. He asked me a few questions about the niche I wanted to target (a product review site is where this content was headed) and then he hit the ground running.

His quality was definitely great. I had a few minor suggestions for him when he sent over round one, and he blasted through them and had it back over within an hour. There's something you just can't beat about having a college student write for you, the quality is always great.

I have a list of about 10 sites with 5-10 articles needed for each and I will definitely be pinging him soon to get that process rolling.

Why he gotta be all that? For telling the truth? Whatever. The weak get eaten, deal with it.

He's a fellow writer thread crashing, he also gave him fake itrader and is now banned like he should be. HKN21 that is.
Reviewwwwwwwwww timeeeeeee

HUST1N hit me up on Skype shortly after we were PMing each other and was super nice, seems like he's got his head on straight and is ready to bust ass to get to the next level. He asked me a few questions about the niche I wanted to target (a product review site is where this content was headed) and then he hit the ground running.

His quality was definitely great. I had a few minor suggestions for him when he sent over round one, and he blasted through them and had it back over within an hour. There's something you just can't beat about having a college student write for you, the quality is always great.

I have a list of about 10 sites with 5-10 articles needed for each and I will definitely be pinging him soon to get that process rolling.



Thanks very much for the positive review. It was a pleasure doing business with you and I look forward to working with you on future orders. I apologize about the errors I made on the original order, but I appreciate you taking the time to point them out. I will always fix any mistakes I make if you point them out to me. I will make the occasional mistake, but I won't be satisfied until you're satisfied.

That being said, there are 2 more review copies left. I am going to decrease my post requirement to at least 350 posts which I'll skim through to make sure you're actually a contributing member of WF and not some troll/idiot. The iTrader requirement remains the same, though.

Let's do this shit!
I contacted HUST1N to write some articles for me and he responded quickly. I ordered a handful of articles and he completed them as instructed the first time with no issues.

I paid upfront as I don't have any history here and am not entitled to a review copy but the work is of excellent quality and I would recommend his services to anyone needing articles that of great quality by a native English speaker.
After I got my review copy back, I assembled a quick, smaller project for HUST1N to do for me. I sent over the 5 keywords I was targeting, and asked for (5) 300 word articles. He reviewed the list, said things looked good, then told me he would have everything back within 24 hours.

About 3 hours later I was at the store and I get an email, check it out and HE IS DONE. He over delivered, gave me almost 2000 words instead of 1500, and everything reads great.

HUST1N has earned himself the position of my official copywriter from now on. It's really nice to find a solid writer here. I will be sending over a few thousand words a week to him now, and am recommending him to everyone I know.
After I got my review copy back, I assembled a quick, smaller project for HUST1N to do for me. I sent over the 5 keywords I was targeting, and asked for (5) 300 word articles. He reviewed the list, said things looked good, then told me he would have everything back within 24 hours.

About 3 hours later I was at the store and I get an email, check it out and HE IS DONE. He over delivered, gave me almost 2000 words instead of 1500, and everything reads great.

HUST1N has earned himself the position of my official copywriter from now on. It's really nice to find a solid writer here. I will be sending over a few thousand words a week to him now, and am recommending him to everyone I know.

Thanks again for the positive review, dchuk. Hit me up with those orders whenever you're ready and I'll get crackin'.

OpLeads said:
Would I qualify for a review copy?

Generally I wouldn't budge from my requirements, but I'm feeling especially well today. So, yeah... you qualify. :) PM me and we'll get your review copy details stamped out so I can get going on it.

2 of 3 review copies taken.
All review copies have been taken.

That being said, I'm ready to start taking on orders on a daily basis starting Monday, as I'm currently booked to capacity until then. To contact me, either PM me, email me at hustinjones@aim.com, Skype me at hustinjones or AIM me at hustinjones.

For the latter two channels of communication, you'll need to PM me your username beforehand so I can add you.

Other than that, let's get shit rolling. :)

I was fortunate to receive a review copy from Houston. Given that this should be a review, I gave Houston free reign over the article content as long as it would be within the niche I gave him.

Communication: Fast and clear communication. Houston gave me a delivery time-frame of +/- 12 hours and delivered in the first quarter.

Article Headline: Houston only used my keywords as the headline. I would like to see something more interesting (incorporating the keywords), that would want to make the browser (reader) open the website and actually read it!

Article Body: Houston delivered a 640 word article. The article was very well written and free of any spelling or grammar mistakes. And most important to me, the article was both educational and entertaining, and I actually enjoyed reading it to the end. Therefore, I would not hesitate to publish the article on my own website.

Unfortunately, I have also one small negative point: Running the article through copscape (pro) I found that 20 words were matched. The sentence in question defined the niche (I don't think that there is any way to describe the niche which has not been used yet), therefore I might be able to overlook it. However, the sentence in question was also the first sentence of the article. Considering that the serps are often using the first 200+ characters for their description etc. it is a negative point.

Taking everything into consideration (price point, turnaround time and overall quality of the article), and if Houston could improve on the neg. points mentioned above, I would recommend Houston as a content writer.

I was fortunate to receive a review copy from Houston. Given that this should be a review, I gave Houston free reign over the article content as long as it would be within the niche I gave him.

Communication: Fast and clear communication. Houston gave me a delivery time-frame of +/- 12 hours and delivered in the first quarter.

Article Headline: Houston only used my keywords as the headline. I would like to see something more interesting (incorporating the keywords), that would want to make the browser (reader) open the website and actually read it!

Article Body: Houston delivered a 640 word article. The article was very well written and free of any spelling or grammar mistakes. And most important to me, the article was both educational and entertaining, and I actually enjoyed reading it to the end. Therefore, I would not hesitate to publish the article on my own website.

Unfortunately, I have also one small negative point: Running the article through copscape (pro) I found that 20 words were matched. The sentence in question defined the niche (I don't think that there is any way to describe the niche which has not been used yet), therefore I might be able to overlook it. However, the sentence in question was also the first sentence of the article. Considering that the serps are often using the first 200+ characters for their description etc. it is a negative point.

Taking everything into consideration (price point, turnaround time and overall quality of the article), and if Houston could improve on the neg. points mentioned above, I would recommend Houston as a content writer.

Thank you very much for the comprehensive review. I do apologize about the article headline and opening sentence of the article body. With regards to the article headline, I honestly didn't even think to come up with a creative title. This is most likely because I was in product review writing mode. Regardless, I should've caught that. It definitely won't happen in future orders.

Now, with regards to the opening sentence of the body paragraph, I knew I should've gone back and re-written it. Opening up with that line was the best way I could think to open up the rest of the article, I just forgot how close it was to the source I referenced. Out of all the orders I've done so far, that was the first time something like that slipped under my radar.

Overall, thank you very much for the criticisms. They can easily be fixed and will not be repeated in the future. I appreciate you taking the time to post such a thorough review and if you need any content written in the future, you know who to go to. ;)
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