Hiding Sites from Potential Employers using GeoLocation

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$100/day in 100 days.....
Aug 10, 2006
Some of still working (or looking for work) while we grow our online empires may have use of this.

Personally, I live in a tech-savvy city and employers routinely query your name and email domain to find out if you have anything going on "online".

So, I spent some time learning PHP and some geolocation stuff to put a header on any page I don't want an employer (or potential employer) to see. Sure, they'll still be able to Google and (if they are nerds and REALLY wanting to see what I "was" up to) use Wayback Machine, but basically, anyone from my country now sees a "404" message when they attempt to access certain of my URLs.

Anyone else have to do this? Anyone interested in the code? It would really only be useful for whitehat stuff since I post to a whitehat blog using my real name and thus need to block it.

I got a better idea instead of blocking your whole country, not using your real name...
So you're obviously not that good ;) It's like magic man... perform, get the smiles and gasps, and walk away, no time for them to figure it out.
If a tech-savvy individual Google'd your name, landed on one of your "protected" pages and gets a 404, wouldn't he naturally hit back and look at the cached version?
maybe something you should consider too ...

Now why would I want to do that? My website is the reason why I got into the school I did, why I get the jobs I did, and why I can drive the car I do :) I'm proud of that website. I know its not because of my GPA because that surely isnt anything special.
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