Hiding PPV traffiv w/ new window pop?


New member
Apr 20, 2009
How effective is it to hide the source of your traffic (PPV in this instance) by having the user click your creative and popping a new window? Not sure how I'd go about testing this exactly or how to pass through the variables that give the source away (user-agent and not sure what else) to echo out.

I'm not just popping to eBay directly or some shit like that. I'm actually popping to a site of mine that pre-qualifies pretty heavily and then links to eBay and I'm wondering if by popping I'd have 100% covered my ass in terms of traffic source or if they'd still spank me.

I know some PHP but not enough to know how to test for this so I'm hoping someone can just give a definitive answer here as to whether popping a new window successfully hides the fact that your traffic is from PPV.



Thanks for the code. I was going to do a dmr but that doesn't catch everything. Sorry about tits hot link, I'll fix later today.

In terms of giving away that I'm using ppv is the user agent all I have to worry about or are there other giveaways?
Even if you blank the referrer, user-agent can still be a dead giveaway. All depends how hard they look at your traffic...
Even if you blank the referrer, user-agent can still be a dead giveaway. All depends how hard they look at your traffic...

That's what I was afraid of. So does popping a new window when someone clicks your creative wipe the ppv user agent or not then? Could have sworn I read it did.
That's what I was afraid of. So does popping a new window when someone clicks your creative wipe the ppv user agent or not then? Could have sworn I read it did.

You can't fake out the useragent, but they're usually clean anyway with most PPV networks.

What does look weird though IMO is when %100 of your traffic comes from IE and nothing else. Again, depends how hard they're looking...
What does look weird though IMO is when %100 of your traffic comes from IE and nothing else. Again, depends how hard they're looking...

Also, why would all the traffic come from IE? If you are inferring that FF wouldn't show my pop I believe you are wrong as I recall reading that the pops are software-based, not browser-based, so FF actually has nothing to block.
Last time I tested with mediatraffic, you could be browsing with FF or IE and the software would always pop IE windows...
Last time I tested with mediatraffic, you could be browsing with FF or IE and the software would always pop IE windows...

Ah that would do it. Still waiting for their stuff to start popping on my machine.