Hey, let's talk about ebooks.


AT gmail DOT com
Dec 20, 2009
Auburn, Washington
So I get it, you guys hate ebooks.

Is it just because they all suck? Because I hate that, too. If that's the only reason, hell, sign me the fuck up on that Facebook group.

Or is there something about the ebook format you guys don't like?

Is there a thread that already answers this question?

Oh, and fuck you people, I like ebooks. :321:

The other sites (DP, WaFo) are an ebook culture. They consume ebooks written by each other in a cannibalistic frenzy of reductionism. People sell ebooks with information that is freely given out if you know where to look.

I think the objection isn't about ebooks in and of themselves, but of any fucking mention of trying to sell them here.
have you ever read an ebook, filled with text that you could not find your way to on the net for nothing?

is there value in compiling that information and re-presenting it in a digestable, perhaps more palatable format? obviously, people sell the shit out of ebooks, but in this place, it's a practice frowned upon for the reason above, and many more.

it's part of the "get-rich-quick" genre, and sucks monkey ass.

yes I read some of them, most are rehashed regurgitated crap. Haven't paid for one.

ps - 95% of the content of ebooks is dated the moment you're converting it to a secure PDF for distribution.
If the information is valuable in the first place, you wouldn't sell it.


Why not?

There is TONS of room for competition, and everyone is going to be dealing with different niches.

If you and I are using the same method on 2 different niches, how is that going to hurt anyone?

It's the people who all go MMO like idiots who kill each other.
Jon, the founder of our beloved forum, hates ebook sellers with a passion.

Like he really, really despises them. Like, I think in his youth, he had a traumatizing episode with an ebook seller. Or something

Anyways, ebook selling here is just banned. Go ahead and try and sell one.