He's sick of buying $49 books!

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New member
Jan 15, 2007
Minneapolis, MN
Spend the next four minutes watching this video. You will not regret it.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/IlL2N16CtWI&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/IlL2N16CtWI&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

"...You will get email full of links that looks like spam..."

The best part is at 1:24 where he tries to show you his earnings... "See."

$5000 for similar courses? But he's giving away his knowledge for free? What a true pioneer!

It's really sad that people will hit rock bottom like thisand completely humilate themselves.
Spend the next four minutes watching this video. You will not regret it.

<object height="355" width="425">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/IlL2N16CtWI&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="355" width="425"></object>

"...You will get email full of links that looks like spam..."

The best part is at 1:24 where he tries to show you his earnings... "See."
Ok, there should be a rule about wasting time. I want that back. Ummm see. thanks for the WTF is this dude talking about. LOL
I can tell from the preview that this dude is a freak, no thanks.
Nice retard ! Only 87 ppl to get know his ground breaking secrets to making monies online Lol. The earning proof part is a gem.
He really DOES sound like a crackhead.
Fuuuck, if you're going to try and convince people, havea bit of confidence, and film on something with better resolution than a webcam.

Seriously, if you pay attention to his body language, he has no confidence in his own script, and he clearly doesn't believe it himself. He keeps looking up and to the right... VERY shifty.

Sampunk: Your damn sig keeps distracting me!!! ARGH!
A little bit of google stalking reveals this to be Stefan Hunter, of wicks2006@hotmail.com

The reason I mention this is because I've run across another domain he owns in the past, as part of my insidious googlestalk-then-pounce method of getting domain owners to sign up to my program.
But yeah, this seems to be his own little spin off from the info he's acquired through Rich Jerk.

Small internet, huh?

stmadeveloper: I think most of the guys around here would be more interested in watching sam's sig for 4 minutes rather than doing anything else that could be done in that time... That's the problem with his sig, dammit!
It hypnotizes you... like a lava lamp... o_O

Has he even watched his own video?

I like the part at 1:43

..only one method that... umm.. produces ..umm... about 800 bucks of... err.. income...

Do people like that make any money?

If all it takes is a good video with a self-confident speaker, then I am gonna make millions!!111!!!!11!

"let me show you my earnings from a test account...this is only one, I have several others"

Then nothing shows up in the screen...did this guy even edit the video?
If he's so sick of buying $49 books, why didn't he just get refunds?

What a tool.
LOL - fuck you guys are harsh. I look at that and I feel bad for the poor guy, but you guys just go in for the kill.

Gotta love wickedfire.
It is not a polished performance however fair play to him for having the balls to do it now all he needs is a few nights with that girl in the tight jeans and his confidence and self esteem will reach new heights.
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