He's Going To Need At Least 5 Stitches

You know, I was going to make some smart ass comment about the sharks circling him in the water ... until the footage showed him in the operating room. Fuck me, that's the grossest shit I've ever seen.
The first time I saw a video like that, it disturbed me. Now I just see someone who decided to disregard the laws of reality.

You jump off a platform like that with a sharp edge below, and you're taking your life into your hands. The guy risked his life carelessly, and that was the result.
Definitely not for the squeamish. "Moderately graphic" is a bit of an understatement.

I've seen it before and don't doubt it is real. That is a serious fall. I'm shocked that he lived for 2 days after that.
By far the most disturbing thing I have ever seen in my entire life. That was just fucking disgusting.
Honestly wasn't that bad for me.. The worst I ever saw was when some foreign soldier was getting his head cut off with a large knife. He was perfectly fine, it was in snow.. some soldier pushed him over, put his boot on his head, they're right in on the guys face with a video camera, the guy jams a large knife right through his throat and he starts cutting away, while the guy is trying to breath and shit. THAT was traumatic to watch.

This video is just of an accident, but a murder however is just so much more fucked up.
Saw this before, and even though its terrible, also saw the one dreamache describes and had to turn it off.

Honestly wasn't that bad for me.. The worst I ever saw was when some foreign soldier was getting his head cut off with a large knife. He was perfectly fine, it was in snow.. some soldier pushed him over, put his boot on his head, they're right in on the guys face with a video camera, the guy jams a large knife right through his throat and he starts cutting away, while the guy is trying to breath and shit. THAT was traumatic to watch.
Meh , the videos that have freaked me out most were the bobby joe blythe video (before they knew the guy didn't die) and then 3 guys 1 hammer.

There's a few pictures out there (I could show you if you really wanted) of the wartime environment that is Mexico & Hati , one guy just so happened to meet a 308 out of a FAL rifle, and it pretty much made his face look similar to this guy's , other than the fact he was quite conscious during the whole thing, and just sat there for quite some time.
I can't believe he was still breathing after that. I wouldn't want to continue living after something like that, though.