Heroin and Hot Dogs


Jun 26, 2006
I need to move to NYC. So grammy worthy.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnb-gsm-5mQ]YouTube - ‪Heroin and Hot Dogs.MOV‬‏[/ame]

Narcoleptic I'm guessing.

Most likely.

When I was younger, I worked in the shipping department of a warehouse one summer before college. My floor supervisor was very old and very narcoleptic. One day, I had to get up on a top shelf.

The normal way to do this was by getting on a plaform controlled by a forklift. So, this guy lifts me 50 feet into the air to get something off a top shelf... and falls asleep at the controls. How letting a narcoleptic run heavy machinery is considered safe is beyond me, but apparently the guy had worked there most of his life.

The place was so noisy nobody heard me shouting to come down. Ended up staying up there quite a while until somebody came by and noticed me up there. Good times.
Most likely.

When I was younger, I worked in the shipping department of a warehouse one summer before college. My floor supervisor was very old and very narcoleptic. One day, I had to get up on a top shelf.

The normal way to do this was by getting on a plaform controlled by a forklift. So, this guy lifts me 50 feet into the air to get something off a top shelf... and falls asleep at the controls. How letting a narcoleptic run heavy machinery is considered safe is beyond me, but apparently the guy had worked there most of his life.

The place was so noisy nobody heard me shouting to come down. Ended up staying up there quite a while until somebody came by and noticed me up there. Good times.

Most likely.

When I was younger, I worked in the shipping department of a warehouse one summer before college. My floor supervisor was very old and very narcoleptic. One day, I had to get up on a top shelf.

The normal way to do this was by getting on a plaform controlled by a forklift. So, this guy lifts me 50 feet into the air to get something off a top shelf... and falls asleep at the controls. How letting a narcoleptic run heavy machinery is considered safe is beyond me, but apparently the guy had worked there most of his life.

The place was so noisy nobody heard me shouting to come down. Ended up staying up there quite a while until somebody came by and noticed me up there. Good times.

They're not allowed to operate heavy machinery. They can't even get a drivers license.