Here's Your Chance

Maybe someone should e-mal him, and tell him if you're making a documentary about trashing Google and brainstorming about how to take them down, maybe you shouldn't use a Gmail address to reach out and collect data / stories?


I got nothing... completely speechless...
Should throw something in along the lines of how they're looking to penetrate every major market by using their brand and search monopoly. Also the growing implementation of knowledge graph that keeps users on their site and still provides them with what they need.
People have to wake up! The only way to fight monopoly is to innovate and create alternatives. We the webmasters made Google the top dog and now they pretend to have all the power. Remember Microsoft in the dominant days.

The room for a new more transparent search engine is wide open. If you can program and code this is a huge opportunity that can be funded through indigo ways.

Without our content Google has nothing to display in search results.

The documentary will not make a dent in Google way of doing business. A new robust search engine will do the trick to make this company more webmaster friendly.


I think everyone here has taken some pretty nasty hits from Google.

And you know what?

It's spawned a completely new paradigm of Internet Marketing thought and genius.

Personally, I'm grateful I had the opportunity to witness entire empires crumble before my peasant eyes. It taught me a valuable lesson:

Antifragility is the name of the game nowadays.
Maybe someone should e-mal him, and tell him if you're making a documentary about trashing Google and brainstorming about how to take them down, maybe you shouldn't use a Gmail address to reach out and collect data / stories?


Should have used, maybe Microsoft will fund him.
I get the hating Foogle is getting but Yelp is also responsible if the entire documentary revolves around 'local mom pop businesses'. Yelp's entire business model revolves on extortion.

But Google might be bigger villain here.
I get the hating Foogle is getting but Yelp is also responsible if the entire documentary revolves around 'local mom pop businesses'. Yelp's entire business model revolves on extortion.

But Google might be bigger villain here.

Fartyman, why the need to change your avatars once a week?