Here Comes 3 or more Parents Babies


New member
Mar 8, 2009
As usual, Britain has done it again with a new law that would allow for designer babies with more than two parents DNA:

MPs vote in favour of 'three-person embryo' law

MPs vote in favour of 'three-person embryo' law | Science | The Guardian

Can you imagine the child support issues this would create.

From the discovery of atomic bomb, man has crossed the threshold of just living with nature to trying to control it.

Mother nature cannot be controlled, neither sequences of life be altered to satisfy humans desire for GODHOOD.

Some might call it progress, I call it playing with fire. We humans will eventually cause our own extinction.

But for now, lets pretend we control nature and mother earth.

It will be like a sperm donor at the end of the day the donor, In this case the egg casing donor, will have no legal rights to the child.

All this is going to do is stop hideous deformities.

When it comes to saving lives and scientific progress we shouldn't stop just because a book, which was written 2000 years ago says we shouldnt do it
It will be like a sperm donor at the end of the day the donor, In this case the egg casing donor, will have no legal rights to the child.

All this is going to do is stop hideous deformities.

When it comes to saving lives and scientific progress we shouldn't stop just because a book, which was written 2000 years ago says we shouldnt do it

I am far from been religious, but trusting humans to do what is right is fraught with too many dangers.

Humans have not learned how to not kill each other on a massive scale, and this would just give ideas to people bent on creating more wars.

This is just one more step into the world of machines and humans.

Rumor has it that at present we have some people that look human, but were artificially created. The only difference is they have no soul, just like the terminator movie. I am told you might find some of them on your television screen reading newscast or acting in movies.

Where do we draw the line?

Should we try mating humans and dolphins and see what comes out?

How about mating with dogs or baboons just to see what arrives?

I have no doubt some people and govt's are conducting such experiments in secret.
Rumor has it that at present we have some people that look human, but were artificially created. The only difference is they have no soul, just like the terminator movie. I am told you might find some of them on your television screen reading newscast or acting in movies.

Seems like this should be a bigger concern than mitochondrial transfer.
Is this seriously a thread?

Actually, he might be onto something here.

Should we try mating humans and dolphins and see what comes out?

How about mating with dogs or baboons just to see what arrives?

I have no doubt some people and govt's are conducting such experiments in secret.

Malcolm Brenner Chronicles His Sexual Relationship With Dolphin In 'Wet Goddess'

Puppy rapist gets 5 years in prison - USA Today


I actually think this experiment scares me the most:

Paul Bennett Convicted After Having Sex With A Mailbox