Herbal Meds


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Has anyone here had success pushing herbal products? Is it true about what they say that they don't convert for shit?

My company is trying to check the demand for these products int he hopes of attracting more customers, and we're starting to offer affiliates commissions of up to 60%.
Do these products have any chance at all to do well?

Yes, I am doing well with herbal product. You may track markethealth product line. They are on demand.
I sell herbals via two different affiliate programs, one in-house and one at ShareASale and our affiliates are quite happy. EPC at SAS varies between .60-.90.

I guess it really depends on whether you have a popular herbal product or not. I've seen some markethealth products convert at 1:400.
markethealth is scam i dont beleive anybody makes good cash there..
herbals dont convert.

Just about everything converts if you have targeted traffic.

I remember one guy saying that he converts 50%. When we questioned
him further, it was revealed that he gets very little traffic and very few
sales per month, but his site was SEO'd for exactly what the people were
searching for.

We've expanded our program to include these herbal products in order to further expand our inventory and make it more attractive to potential affiliates. I'm a bit doubtful that there is significant demand in these products, but will affiliates be willing to try to push the herbal stuff if they can get between 40-60% commissions?