Helping online stores set up proper tracking on their end for affiliate marketing


New member
Jun 2, 2008
I'd like to make a mini affiliate network for a niche. There are many stores for this niche online and I know for sure there isn't an affiliate network out there and I think this could be a fun project. My only concern is getting the store/shop to understand how to properly add the tracking pixel.

Many of these stores run on WordPress and over various CMS shopping cart systems. Most of these people know nothing about editing HTML or their templates etc...

Anyone have experience with this? Were most of the stores/shops able to figure it out?

This seems to be the only things stopping me so far, besides getting some software like hasoffers and finding the right publishers (shouldn't be hard)..

If that's your only concern then you might want to reevaluate what you're doing here. Seriously