Helping A Neighbor "Some Thoughts I Had"

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Jun 24, 2006
North East PA
Im sitting here thinking and have come up with an idea to one help keep a roof over my head and two help less fortunet peoples in my community.

Id like your thoughts on this one.

I would like to launch a local community site and run various benefits for different local charities and causes. Im sure I could get allot of free advertising in my community by doing this and im sure allot of people would participate.

So I would run say, a campaign to help kids that wont have a real X-mass and use maybe a Mydish promotion. When people go to my site sign up for the mydish promotion, say it pays out $30.00 put half of that conversion into a fund to buy X-mass toys for kids.

Id like to actually have a few promotions running at any givin time that would help various causes.

Do you think something like this would work? I think something like this would be a great motivator to me. I am the type of person that would give the old homeless vet on the corner the jacket off my back in the middle of winter. I dont mind giving to people that really need it, Shit like that makes me feel good, I know what its like to be down, but on the other hand I would also have to be making enough money to keep a roof over my family's head.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be great, Im not sure how a semmi non-profit business would work, or how I could swing it from the affiliates end.

Thanks Jer

It always feels good to do good. It does come back ten fold.

What do you mean by a "Mydish promotion"? I've got some ideas, but want to know a little more to know if its along the same lines as what you want to do.
Good idea.

I'd start by pounding the pavement and talking directly with some of the local charities.

Try to come up with relevant programs to each charity. For instance: pet food/supplies for animal shelters - just a quick example... the low payouts for these programs probably wouldn't cut it.

Don't portray yourself as something you are not. You are a for-profit, but you can work with the non-profits towards mutual benefit.

Have them email their databases to promote your programs with the specifics you worked out.

Make sure you give them the creatives, non-profits are terrible at marketing IMO. "For every bag of premium xxxx dog food you buy, $5 reaches a furry companion in need, visit for details."

Keep crystal clear, perfect records. You mess this up and local news media could eat you alive! Always a good idea, but particulary here: consult an attorney and accountant before you make any arrangements.
Mydish is just an example of a product that might be used to raise money for a specific cause.

For instance there was pretty bad flooding in our area a few months back, there are still allot of people that are suffering because of it, living in trailers and what not. So I might run a fund raiser for people in this situation. So I would pick a specific affiliate program to promote for this cause and give 50% of all profit to the cause.

and repeat for different causes and fundraisers like less fortunate people that will need help with heating bills during the winter and like mentioned before parents that may need some help putting smiles on their kids faces come x-mass morning.

I think something like this would benefit allot of people and if I could get the local media involved to promote it I think it might be very successful.

What do you think? Do you think something like this would work, anyone? Do you think there are enough decent hearted people out there to get something like this off the ground?
Good idea.

I'd start by pounding the pavement and talking directly with some of the local charities.

Try to come up with relevant programs to each charity. For instance: pet food/supplies for animal shelters - just a quick example... the low payouts for these programs probably wouldn't cut it.

Don't portray yourself as something you are not. You are a for-profit, but you can work with the non-profits towards mutual benefit.

Have them email their databases to promote your programs with the specifics you worked out.

Make sure you give them the creatives, non-profits are terrible at marketing IMO. "For every bag of premium xxxx dog food you buy, $5 reaches a furry companion in need, visit for details."

Keep crystal clear, perfect records. You mess this up and local news media could eat you alive! Always a good idea, but particulary here: consult an attorney and accountant before you make any arrangements.

I was thinking more on the lines of starting my own fund raisers, that way what can anyone say? I would shoot as straight as an arrow, if I state that 50% of any given fund raiser will go to a certain group or charity that 50% will go to that group.

I am sure your right about the local media looking to hang me if this thing flops.

I am also hoping to work closely with these groups. For this to work I am going to need them to promote and advertise.

I think as long as I keep all records and also keep all promotions seperate from all other business things should be alright, though I think you are right if I do go forward with this a lawyer would be a good idea.

Has anyone ever done anything similar?

this is a good idea but it is not as easy as it sounds. you are going to have to make sure you come across as being very above bored and transparent! that is not as easy as it sounds because most people think what is the catch, scam etc. when they see you coming!
this is a good idea but it is not as easy as it sounds. you are going to have to make sure you come across as being very above bored and transparent! that is not as easy as it sounds because most people think what is the catch, scam etc. when they see you coming!

Very good point and believe me I am not a very social person, but I think if I can get the local news channels to involved one the site and it's cause, then two report on the monies raised for each cause it wont take long for people place their trust in what I am doing.

The more I think about it, I think I might be better off just setting up fundraisers whenever certain events arise instead of setting up a full time site.

maybe I should just try one fund raiser to test the waters. X-mass is just around the corner, so maybe I will run something for the next month or so to raise money for the kids, try to get the local news stations and other media to promote it. Collect the money, rent a U-haul, buy a shit load of toys and set up a time and place to give them out.

Yeah, I think thats a better idea, ill start with one thing. I am going to call the news station this week and discuss getting some free air time.

I think w/most 50/50 fundraisers, part (or all) of the 50 that doesn't go to the charity is expected to be given to those who donate in the form of a chance at some great gift. I've usually seen it as a raffle.

I think most people would just as soon donate 100% to the charity if they are parting with their hard earned cash and don't necessarily want to help you with the roof over your head! I do think you are heading in the right direction, though!

I think you are on to something with the site though. Keep going on the fundraiser test, it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong!

I will get to how to possibly make money with this, so stay with me, please. I think a site that is like a one stop shop to chose a charity to give to would make giving easy. A site with the links to all the charities and a personal review of the charity and maybe some history, a map to the place, directions how to give. Many people give in areas of interest, areas they have had a need in, and areas they have received help in. So if you think of that when you design the site, and have sections like immediate needs (the local flood, hurricane relief, Christmas, etc), animals, children (toys, clothes, meals), hunger, shelter, utility assistance, etc. many charities will be listed under several catagories. Each catagory could have where to give AND where to go to get that help. (maybe even two very similar sites that are linked?)

Combine the funds raising part of the site with information. The pet section, could have some short and sweet helpful hint re:dogs, cats, etc. Charge the local pet store to "sponsor" the hint, with part of the fee going to the humane society or whatever. Its good PR for them also. Design an attractive certificate that says they sponsored a spot on the "donation central" or whatever you call it. The hardware store sponsors hints on reducing your electric bill. A daycare sponsors a hint on picking a childcare center, a counceling center sponsors a hint on recognising abuse, etc. You get the pic.

If you have a site for people to look for assistance the hints would be how to manage $ sponsored by the insurance financial planning guy, how to find a job sponsored by a local newspaper's job classified, saving money at the grocery store by the local market, etc.

The sites would keep the personality of being helpful with the "ads" being hints. You could have links to expanded info (want to know more about money management, dog care, getting a job, etc) that lead to your own personal sites with adsense or whatever you use to bring in income off the site. You could advertise and sell your services as a fundraiser planner (let someone else worry about the accountability of what is done with the money). Create a "how to plan a fudraiser" link for those who want to help in a big way. There are lots of companies who sell fundraiser items that may advertise on your site.

I'd have it up and running by Nov. People give around the holidays because they know there is greater need (or to help them feel better about not caring about the needy in their community all year), plus people who don't go for help any other time, will around the holidays for their children's sake.
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People are asked for donations quite often... and there are plenty of good causes out there in need of money.

So... It's highly unlikely that people will come to you just because 50% goes to charity.

The real beauty of your idea is in getting the databases of the charities. This could mean instant loyal customers.

Particularly if you offer programs/goods/services that these people are likely to buy anyway. If they are loyal to their charitable organizations (if they are on the database that is likely), and if the items you offer are things they would likely buy anyway -- then you are likely to see a ton of orders.

The charities do well because you have added a whole new channel of revenue for them. The customers do well because you are offering items they wanted anyway and now their favorite charity benefits from the purchases. And of course, you do well because you have a huge base of loyal buying customers.

You have your work cut out for you... but if you take it one charity at a time, you should do very well. Starting with the smaller charities is the way to go, perform trial, error, and testing on the little guys before you get in over your head. Then you have references to move into the bigger organizations.
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I think most people would just as soon donate 100% to the charity if they are parting with their hard earned cash and don't necessarily want to help you with the roof over your head! I do think you are heading in the right direction, though!
No it wouldnt really wouldnt be the people donating, I would offer a product or service that people may be able to use to begin with. The person buying the product or service would be one getting a product they could use in the first place and two also be helping out a cause by me taking 50% or so of all profits aquired from the transaction and giving it to a specific cause or charity. When someone donates to a cause that is exactally what they do they give their money or time away and getting nothing, physical in return.

You have your work cut out for you...
You couldnt be more right!

Thanks for the great responses Guys and Gals
Good idea, but I think it's a lot harder than you think. You aren't going to be getting herds of people signing up for dish or netflix or whatever like you think. It's tough.
Interested in a Franchise. The guy who owns is looking to expand to other parts of the world. If anything it'll be someone you can talk to about it. Sorry you weren't the first one, but keep the wheels turning.

yeah that is similar to what id like to do, but that site is on a much larger scale, my idea will benefit locals. If I get this off the ground id like to keep it in my own back yard, but thank you, looks like he may be a good contact.
I've had thoughts of this type of idea for several years now, except all profit goes into a college scholarship fund.

The product people would purchase is something that millions of people purchase all the time, so they would still be getting the same great product but the profits would now go to something more beneficial. Many places already do the same idea I have but only on a local level.

But as someone posted above, most will probably look at it as a scam until you're organization has a proven track record. Couple that with my lack of time to develop it further I have never really pursued this further.
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