Help With my ARBI layout please!!

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New member
Feb 13, 2007
Hello All,

After lurking and reading about arbi so much in this forum, I felt it was time to try it out on my own.

I really couldn't believe it when some of you guys mentioned getting CTR of 40%-60%. I normally struggle to even hit 5% on my 'normal' blog.

I'd be jumping for joy if I can hit 30% LOL

So anyways, here's my one single arbi page:
Best Muscle Building Workout

I've one square ad and one link ad.

There's nothing on the main domain yet, for I haven't thought of how I'm going to build this site.

I'm running on Adwords content network.

So far I've gotten 11 clicks

I'm paying about $0.11 per click.

UPDATE: I've got 6 Clicks.

5 adlinks click for a measly $0.35 and one square click for $0.07!

Is it unusual for them to payout so low? (5 clicks = $0.35)

Any ways to improve my CTR?



believe it or not, different ads pay out different amounts (cpc). this is based on what the advertiser is willing to spend in adwords. use the adwords external keyword tool to get a rough idea of what keywords pay, or what you can expect to pay. obv google takes a cut of the advertiser's cpc. and if the first thing that popped into your head was to ask 'what is the external...', just kill yourself, you suck. alternatively, you could google it.
5 out of 11 is ok for an arbi campaign. Your problem is you're bidding too much.

.11 is too much for an arbi campaign, especially an untested one. taking account of bad keyword targeting + smart pricing, you're likely to lose money.

try starting with .06 and .05 cent bids. if the same payouts keep up, change to a different niche, maybe that body building niche is shit. also try using adcenter for learning arbi, it's a pain to use and is not gonna bring as much traffic as adwords but the returns are great.
Hey bud;

Some things I noticed:

+ Top header slogan... doesn't really need to be "sales".
+ Try a different layout. Thats the same layout I used when I started and i got 15%-25% CTR. Now I'm getting a solid 30% - 40% with a different one.
+ That page may work better for an aff offer maybe?

Other than the niche change, I might try changing the ad order to see if you get get a higher CTR. Remember that more ads = more CTR, but less payout on each.
From what I can tell your niche sucks, your only going to get nickels and dimes. Adwords tool mentioned previously is your friend.
Remember that more ads = more CTR, but less payout on each.

Is that so ?

The other thing I have noticed is that with 2000 clicks per day you make almost the same as with 3000 clicks per day. It's like you reach a certain altitude and can't get any higher. Or is google just ripping everyone of ?
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