Help with gaming Facebook interns

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New member
Aug 13, 2008
Really need your guys help in getting me over the hump on Facebook. I have spent the last two months loosing money figuring things out, but finally found two offers that are break even and slightly profitable.

Before I get flamed, I read just about every piece of content I could find about Facebook social ads, but still can't figure out a few things.

1. The only thing that was profitable are some dating ads that somehow got past the interns. Tried to replicate the success, but can't get a single ad approved after 100 submissions. When do you give up on getting an ad through, after 25, 50, 100, 500 submissions? NOTE: I cloak the offers

2. Is there any way once an ad is approved to change only the demos and targeting without having to go through the approval process again?

3. How to scale on Facebook. Even with good CTR (.15) and a large pool of clickers (100,000) I can't reach my daily budget. NOTE: I tried setting my ad budget to the max with no luck.

I appreciate any help.

Proper ads get approved. Playing roulette on bad ads are an awful way of hoping to get ads approved.
look into php stuff and be like the elf from lord of the rings when he had is special cape you should know what i mean
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