Help Wanted with New Affiliate Network

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Junior Member
Jul 5, 2006
Hey all

Just started with a New CPA Network not too long ago and wanted your help in getting some feedback on what an affiliate would look in order to test a new network.

We have all the basics covered:

High Payouts - As a New network, in order to gain some ground, we are working on very low margins, and giving higher payouts.

Accurate Tracking - We have built our own in house network, so we don’t have to rely on a 3rd party software that we have no control over wheb issues arise.

Subid Tracking - so you know which keywords are generating leads for you and which ones are not.

On time payment - By check or paypal.

Great Affiliate Support - we have taken this as the focal point of the network, and offer support at all times, including evenings and weekends.

To add to the mix, we have also added a $100 Sign Up bonus, as well as a referral fee of 2% of the income that the person you refer, generates.

So, that being said, what are we missing? What is that crazy, off the wall stuff that would make you say, "Damn, I want to sign up with Affiliateer!"

I need some feedback as to, if you had a wish list of what you would like to see in an affiliate network, what would it be? Feel free to get creative.

If your suggestion gets chosen, and implemented, will grant you 100% bragging rights, and 1 Million Karma points.

PS- Pictures of women on the sign up form has already been turned down by the founders. L

Some suggestions for every affiliate network:

- Affiliate statistics for each offer, creative, and subid--including: EPC, Conversion Rate, etc.

- Network-wide statistics for each offer. I want to know what's performing well for other affiliates before flying blind. As you know, some offers aren't even worth promoting. I want to know this before wasting my marketing dollars.

- Verified tracking pixels. Many networks have offers that don't track properly.

- Public disclosure to affiliates of business rules of each offer (eg: offer does not pay out on debt amounts under $xxx, no pay-out on TX leads, etc, etc). Yes, I know a lot of the time the network isn't even aware of this.

- Many exclusive offers that I can't find elsewhere
Whats the point of starting another network?
I'm a member of your other network btw, but haven't checked it out yet..

high payouts (compared to other aff networks) is pretty much all that is needed.
But for a small network it's impossible to get high payouts, since the vendors will only give you high cpa if you have high traffic and for that you need lots of affiliates..
Thanks for the feedback.

Your title says Affiliate Network and your post says CPA Network.

I've often used the terrms 'CPA' and 'Affiliate' Network synonymously, but perhaps I should be more clear. CPA Affiliate Network :)

Some suggestions for every affiliate network:

- Affiliate statistics for each offer, creative, and subid--including: EPC, Conversion Rate, etc.

We do have eCPC and Conversions rates for each offer, and subid, but not for every creative. That is a good suggestion. Perhaps one iterim option, no matter what network you are promoting with, would be to use a different subid for each creative

- Network-wide statistics for each offer. I want to know what's performing well for other affiliates before flying blind. As you know, some offers aren't even worth promoting. I want to know this before wasting my marketing dollars.

Another good idea. The only issue is that an offer can be promoted through many different channels. So for example, an offer through email may perform much better and receive a higher eCPC than if it were to be promoted via Search. Perhaps, we could segment it as well, into network wide stats by marketing channel.

- Verified tracking pixels. .

We are working on a system where you would be able to place your pixels (eg: google tracking pixels) on the offer confirmation page as well. This way, you will know when the pixel fires. This is still in the developmental phase.

- - Public disclosure to affiliates of business rules of each offer (eg: offer does not pay out on debt amounts under $xxx, no pay-out on TX leads, etc, etc). Yes, I know a lot of the time the network isn't even aware of this.

Good point. We dont do this yet, but I can see how it can be beneficial. For example, if an offer does not payout on leads from,,,, lets say, Texas, you dont target Texas on PPC., thereby, reducing your expense = higher ROI = happy Someone = send more traffic to the offer. win win for both of us.

- Many exclusive offers that I can't find elsewhere

Now, here is something we don't have yet. We are mostly focusing on the offers that are doing well overall, and have been tried, and tested to be top performers.

Whats the point of starting another network?..
good question.. guess the owners were bored.. kidding.... the points above show that there is room for improvement in CPA Affiliate networks. Competition inspires ingenuity.

high payouts (compared to other aff networks) is pretty much all that is needed.
But for a small network it's impossible to get high payouts, since the vendors will only give you high cpa if you have high traffic and for that you need lots of affiliates..

There may be a slight variance in what we get from a vendor, vs. what a much larger network would get from a vendor. However, with our lower margins, we are still at a higher payout.

As much as I would like to think higher payouts are the end all and be all, I think you guys are more tenacious than what you make yourself out to be. I dont see too many people switching traffic for a slight change in payouts.

So along with higher payouts, what else, what else, what else???
We offer a referral commission of 2% of the TOTAL REVENUE that the referrer generates. We can only allocate 2% as our margins are thin.

I've seen other networks offer from 2% of revenue, $2 per sign up, 5% of revenue, or 5% of Profit.

What % of referrals commission do you feel would encourage this viral marketing effort?

Any other thoughts?
i think alot of your success will be in your AM's. There are a lot of dumbasses out there and I know for me if I like my AM I give them a good shot first then move on.
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On CPA offers I would set it up so that affiliates can bring in their own sub affiliates and set their payout per lead to whatever they like.

You give them their set base cost at which they get per lead. Then they have the ability to bring on sub affiliates under them whom they can set whatever payout per lead they like for each of their own people.

That's how I do it with my mortgage program anyway.

I'm guessing the margins would be slimmer on most of your cpa offers so it probably would not matter.
i think alot of your success will be in your AM's. There are a lot of dumbasses out there and I know for me if I like my AM I give them a good shot first then move on.

Very true, but in order for an affiliate to see if they have a good AM, they would need to sign up first. What would make you decide to sign up to a new network?

On CPA offers I would set it up so that affiliates can bring in their own sub affiliates and set their payout per lead to whatever they like.

You give them their set base cost at which they get per lead. Then they have the ability to bring on sub affiliates under them whom they can set whatever payout per lead they like for each of their own people.

That's how I do it with my mortgage program anyway.

I'm guessing the margins would be slimmer on most of your cpa offers so it probably would not matter.

Dude, this is Interesting!

If I understand you correctly, you want to have subaffilaites under you that you can manage. You set the payouts for them, and keep the difference. Kind of like a mini network for you to manage.

Thats not a bad idea. The only negative is that if you take a big margin, and they find the offer at a much higher payout elsewhere, it would look like we were jacking them.

...unless we white labeled the mini-network with your name. Of course, you would be 100% responsible for the quality of traffic.

hmmmm... interesting....PM me if you are serious, and let me ponder this notion.
Well yeah, you white label it. They run their own CPA network essentially.

Think directtrack, but not just the software, the offers also. A ton of networks use their stuff, including XY7.

While a lot of affiliates wouldn't be interested in this, I am sure that some would be.

A lot of it boils down to having unique offers, or better offers that other places don't have.

The rest is on the affiliate who is running his own sub affiliate network. If he gets too greedy and takes too much and screws over his own people that's his own fault.

Hell you could even bring it down an additional level of having sub sub affiliates. Where sub affiliates can do the same thing for their own people. Almost like MLM for affiliate offers.

Like I said, I do this for my mortgage program so there are larger margins to work with there to make it more interesting for people. So for a pay per email offer where you the network gets 1.50 per email, the affiliate gets 1.25 and he sets up his sub affiliates for 1.

The only draw back is that most affiliates don't have the time, or even want to do such a thing. So if you could work out some sort of built in support system for them under their own white label it would probably work out to everyones benefit.
It would be an interesting business model where the affiliate would have no risk.. He / she would approach sites and blogs that are currently not properly monetizing their traffic, but are still getting decent traffic. Have the site sign up to the affiliate's white label CPA network, and have the site promote the offers on a CPA basis. So, essentially, arbitraging our offers, but on a CPA level with no risk.

Does this seem like something that would be of interest to a lot of you?
Very true, but in order for an affiliate to see if they have a good AM, they would need to sign up first. What would make you decide to sign up to a new network?

Exclusive offers, just be different. Easy to search interface for niches
A lot of you say Exclusive offers, but would you really run,,,, lets say Tom's Ringtone, which may be an exclusive offer for us, vs. a Flycell, which we may have, but so would everyone else.

My experience has been that most tend to gravitate to Flycell, cause of the brand recognition due to the fact that every network has it.

So, question is, branded offer, or exclusive (unheard of) offer? Which one would you promote?
I think they mean unique offers.

A ringtone is a ringtone no matter what company you're pushing.
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