HELP! Received a Cease and Desist EMAIL!

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New member
Feb 13, 2007
I received a cease and desist email from this guy which I talked about in my blog post.

He gave me 3 days to take down the blog post.

Not being able to afford a lawyer, I naturally took the post down.

Did he actually have a case against me?

If you took it down don't worry about anything else. Lawyers are expensive and in the end what can he gain from suing you? All he wanted was the post taken down and you obliged. Case closed
I guess I'm fine then. Thanks

Just angry and disturbed someone as 'big' as him wanted to use legal action to threatened a youth like me.

For telling the truth

Edit: Yup with about 50 pair of eyes seeing what he did
If it was the truth and you could back up your claims with evidence, then you should have left it up. It's news.

However, if you couldn't back up your claims with proof, then he would have a case for libel.

Either way, you got bullied into taking it down. There's no telling how far he would have (or could have) gone, but odds are, not far enough to actually successfully sue you.
I generally don't worry about C&Ds unless they are from a law firm.
I received a cease and desist email from this guy which I talked about in my blog post.

He gave me 3 days to take down the blog post.

Not being able to afford a lawyer, I naturally took the post down.

Did he actually have a case against me?

I didn't get to read the post before you took it down. What exactly in the post did he specify he had a problem with? Were you using a trademark of his?
send me the post, i host it for you and you can link to it via an iframe ;)

he can sue my ass ... in germany, lol.
Hey Will,

I didn't think he had a case on me too but I just wanted to be safe. I was simply telling the truth BUT You never know...

Didn't use his trademark or anything.

Its kinda making me paranoid now. I'm wondering if he's reading this thread.


Can I claim insanity?
Hey Will,

I didn't think he had a case on me too but I just wanted to be safe. I was simply telling the truth BUT You never know...
Didn't use his trademark or anything.
Its kinda making me paranoid now. I'm wondering if he's reading this thread.
Can I claim insanity?

freedom of speech, man.

i read your post before you deleted it and this sucker was clicking his own ads so he deserves to be punished, lol.

just post who he is. i got a singaporian ebay account, so i could sell some of his household very cheap. one would have to pick it up at his address and say the secret keyphrase "dylanloh wishes you a nice day" ;)

i could also issue a money laundry claim with your financial authority, stating that he tried to lure me into some kind of mlm-scheme via mail :) your government just loves those scammers and i love them for taking action first and asking questions later ;)
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