Help me Analyze my Stats


Jedi in training
Jul 20, 2010
New York
You might or might not have read my diary type thread in the newbie forum, in any case I am stuck. My lack of experience is getting in my way. I can either cry about it or try to analyze what's wrong. Any thoughts are appreciated.

I am using PPC through MSN, so its Ad -> LP -> Offer

MSN clicks: 96
Ad CTR: 0.41% (this is way low...last campaign was 3%)
LP CTR: 24%
Offer clicks: 23
Sales: 0

How would you interpret this data?

Here are my thoughts:
My ads are not performing well due to the keywords I chose. I tried to go for a less competitive environment but I think the drawback is my ads are not attracting people.

I think my LP CTR is pretty good (obviously can be improved).

So 23 people ended up in my offer page, but no one signed up. Now I know that this is a good top performing offer so I cannot blame the offer page. Does that mean my landing page is not priming people correctly for the sale?

What kind of CPA is it? What is the network's conversion rate?

23 clicks is 2 little for statistical significance..
A .41% CTR on search is pretty bad. Work on your ads. Oh, and 96 clicks isn't enough of a barometer.
what you wrote is not enough to understand

is the offer a zip/email submit? how many fields does the user need to fill? what page the pixel fires on? do they require phone number? is there a payment to make or is it something like creating a free account? rebill?

moreover 96 ad clicks > 23 LP clicks is nothing, you can't produce any statistics out of a so small sample.
and LP ctr at 24% is pretty low for the targeted traffic. I think you should start the whole process all over.

LP CTR varies according to the style of the LP and the adcopy/LP relationship as well, so it's not sufficient to broad brush the issue with "24% is pretty low for targeted traffic." That said, try to improve it OP.

Your main issue is the low traffic and 100 clicks is nowhere near the amount you need to start analyzing the data accurately. I guarantee your stats will vary significantly until you start pushing at least a couple thousand clicks per day.
what you wrote is not enough to understand

is the offer a zip/email submit? how many fields does the user need to fill? what page the pixel fires on? do they require phone number? is there a payment to make or is it something like creating a free account? rebill?

moreover 96 ad clicks > 23 LP clicks is nothing, you can't produce any statistics out of a so small sample.

This is a BizOp offer, pixel fires when use pays for shipping and handling fee. So there is a small payment.

You guys keep saying that I need more clicks I understand that, but for 1,000 clicks I need $1,000 well not exactly but you see what I am saying.

How much money do you guys spend on a campaign when its first starting out?

I am going with payout money as my day limit and I am planning on going for 10 days.
Alright, I see your point not enough clicks.

When you are launching a campaign, how many clicks do you aim for on a per day basis? Or do you limit your clicks by the payout?

How do you determine how much money to spend basically until you say "ok, this offer can work"
Alright, I see your point not enough clicks.

When you are launching a campaign, how many clicks do you aim for on a per day basis? Or do you limit your clicks by the payout?

How do you determine how much money to spend basically until you say "ok, this offer can work"

I usually determine how much money to spend by the initial ROI. If it breaks even from the start, it's usually going to do well with tweaking. If it loses by 50% or less, it also has a chance of performing decently. If it goes below 50% or generally sucks ass, I'll let it ride for a couple of days and then kill it if it won't improve.
I usually determine how much money to spend by the initial ROI. If it breaks even from the start, it's usually going to do well with tweaking. If it loses by 50% or less, it also has a chance of performing decently. If it goes below 50% or generally sucks ass, I'll let it ride for a couple of days and then kill it if it won't improve.

So if it is below 50% ROI...which is my case since I am at 0% you just drop the campaign and start with another offer?

(assuming that you have enough clicks to be pretty sure)
MSN clicks: 96 <- not enough clicks, give 50x more
Ad CTR: 0.41% (this is way low...last campaign was 3%) <- who cares
LP CTR: 24% <- doesn't matter
Offer clicks: 23 <- doesn't matter
Sales: 0 <- matters
MSN clicks: 96 <- not enough clicks, give 50x more

Either I am doing something wrong or...I don't know

96 x 50...ok so you are saying 5000 clicks. So you guys spend $5000 on a campaign without changing anything from initial launch?

What if you have 0 sales at 1000 clicks? You still go? That makes no sense.

So either you keywords cost $0.01 each or your advice is incorrect. I am not trying to pick a fight, it just seems the responses I am getting financially wise do not make sense.
You might want to start with a lower paying offer first to get the hang of things. Like dating leads or zip submits. For an offer like the one you are doing, I would check with the affiliate manager and see what kind of volume other pubs are doing and what kind of EPCs can be seen. This can let you know either what to shoot for or sometimes if you are starting with an offer that others don't really see success with.

For an offer paying out in the $30 range, you would need to be prepared to spend a couple hundred dollars in the initial testing and then a heck of a lot more to fine tune it if you don't get it dead on the first time. (Which most don't.) Get at least a 100 clicks through to the offer before you call it a dud. 100 presold, targeted clicks should be able to at least tell you something about the performance of the offer, your landing page or your traffic source.
I'm feeling generous so let's see if I can get your gears turning. Don't take offense to this, but you should really not be running a bizopp on search. There are people that can pull it off, but with the questions you're asking you're probably not going to be that guy. That's not an insult to your intelligence, it's just a very difficult niche to run on search, and the guys that are successfully running it on search get higher payouts than you and are paying a lot less per click than you. There are a lot of reasons for that, but what really matters is you will probably not be successful with this approach.

Something else you have to realize is even if you want to be that guy that runs bizopps on search, you need to understand that there are many reasons why an offer doesn't convert, and sometimes it might not have shit to do with you. Advertisers have internal issues all the time that will affect your CVR and if you happen to test on a shitty day you're fucked. You need a lot more data than that to make any decisions. It's probably a good thing that your ad has such a low CTR because otherwise you'd be out a lot more money.

Conversion rates on bizopps are wildly unstable, and you're throwing the most expensive traffic at it for one day and hoping to hit the sweet spot - not gonna happen. You have to understand that you need to spend money to make money, and you're trying to break through on one of the most competitive niches there is. There are guys that will lose thousands of dollars a day in bizopps just to get the right data they need for a campaign, so if you don't have the bankroll to break in, you need to find another way.

Anyway, I'm kinda drunk so take that what its worth.
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So if it is below 50% ROI...which is my case since I am at 0% you just drop the campaign and start with another offer?

(assuming that you have enough clicks to be pretty sure)

Yeah, given enough traffic/data I try to let things run for a week to get a feel for how each day impacts CVR and other metrics.

That said, both DevMang and Unarmed Gunman are spot on. Rebills as a whole, let alone bizopps, are difficult to run on search without a large bankroll. If you had posted this back in '08 when the rebill gravy train was still in full swing, when everybody and their brother could jump in and start turning a profit, things might be different. Test the waters with some different offers, and look around for other (cheaper) traffic sources.
-write more ads and let them all run and cut the lower ctr ads every week
-tweak the lp 24% is low for ppc