Help Anyone on My first Arbi / Affiliate Project

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New member
Sep 19, 2006
Ok, so I have my first website up, informational articles and stuff about affiliate marketing, with bs content, anyways, just using this as an experimental/learning environment, and using the domain and subdomain to setup redirects and such for affiliate products. anyways, i have 3 issues that come to mind right now:

1) Why is it that the adsense ads arent consistently shown? They always come up on the header of each page, however, by the body and footer of the articles (on different pages), they sometimes don't show up and a big blank is there. Does Adsense just not display anything, because my website is not worthy? Weird cuz, sometimes, all the pages show ads throughout...

2) Since this is my first project, I noticed in the cpanel, where I can fuck with the settings and all, I can only setup one redirect? Why is that? I know I can setup an HTML page to act as a redirect, but why can I only setup one redirect for my account, is this a webhosting feature or something?

3) Marketing - So I submitted with free submit shit onto major engines, I know thats the basics, any suggestions on where to go from here? I have also registered for TrafficSwarm, seems kinda jippy, and some other bs stuff that's free. I dont have money to spend, and also affiliate keywords are so damn saturated and expensive!

Also, since Im new to the arbi scene, I know Google says Dont click on your own ads, or else you're fucked and we aint gonna do pay your ass basically, but what if I went to another PC (off the IP Im normally working at), they would never know right as long as its not too obvious :)

Thanks guys for letting me spill out some stuff on my mind as I take on my first project. Any help will be greatly appreciated :fart:

honest - read the threads here! And look at the examples put up here. why would you make a site with pages of crap? you want people to buy your afiliate stuff right? You have to presell them. Also why would you want to cheat adsense? there is enough information here that you could make a full time income in less than 3 months if you do real hard work!
Like chrislingle said, go and read other threads on WF.

It looks like you don't know what Arbitrage is. Unless you don't spend money on marketing/advertising you are not doing Arbitrage.

One more advice. Do never click on your own Ads.
Don't click on your own ads under any circumstances mr. newbie. You will regret it, that's for sure. Just put the peddle to metal and work hard. You have a bit of reading to do, so get to it.
Don't click on your own ads under any circumstances mr. newbie. You will regret it, that's for sure. Just put the peddle to metal and work hard. You have a bit of reading to do, so get to it.

Newbied'd by DruSam... Boo-yah!
1) Dunno...maybe it's your coding or something wrong with your template. I don't completely understand your Problem.

2) I hand code all my sites so I have never used a webhosts cpanel or anything of the sort.

3) You need to read up on here and SEO, SEO, SEO, SEO, SEO, SEO, SEO...and when you think your done do it 50 more times. This question is way to broad and there are hundreds of things one can try to do.

Just a suggestion and that's to read and never stop reading. Set so much time aside per day to read, learn, & research. In the beginning you will spend more time doing this then you will making money but in the end it will pay off.

Knowledge is power and power is money.

If you are just using this as a learning enviroment then you should be writing AAA content to sell your shit and at the same time SEO the hell out of the content you write.
search search search=) there are a lot of great posts in the forum. just use advanced search, type in what you want and click posts so you dont have to go through each thread..yumm
Don't even think about clicking on your own ads with your fool-proof from another pc strategy. I guarantee you will eventually get banned.

Learn to use the tools you have to make money. If your goal is to penny-ante cheat the system to make a few cents, you will definately fail.
I disagree with the others. Click your own ads so that they can ban you and remove another idiot from the system.
If you click on your own ads, go to DP to whine with the others WHEN (not if) you get banned.
1) Why is it that the adsense ads arent consistently shown? They always come up on the header of each page, however, by the body and footer of the articles (on different pages), they sometimes don't show up and a big blank is there. Does Adsense just not display anything, because my website is not worthy? Weird cuz, sometimes, all the pages show ads throughout...

3) Marketing - So I submitted with free submit shit onto major engines, I know thats the basics, any suggestions on where to go from here? I have also registered for TrafficSwarm, seems kinda jippy, and some other bs stuff that's free. I dont have money to spend, and also affiliate keywords are so damn saturated and expensive!
1) it could be that google hasn't completely parsed your page yet, so it's not sure what ads to show in each IP block. There's other reasons, but that's one of them

3) if you want free traffic, build good content and do SEO to rank higher in the serps
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