HELP - Anybody know of any simple e-Commerce Site Script/Template/Package?

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New member
Apr 5, 2008
Hey everyone, I need a simple e-Commerce script/software/template/ or package Which basically handles the following: * Displaying products on the site * Receiving & Collecting Order Details * Integration of Paypal for Order payments * Keeping customer & order details in a mysql database * Have a mailing list facility so that I can eMail my customers * Have a back-end to allow viewing of the order details. I was thinking about hiring somebody to create such script. But I was wondering whether any of you guys know of any script/template which can do all of this already. Thanks, Matt

Thanks trigatch4 for your quick reply, But Zen Cart seems a bit too primitive. I was looking for a more up to date one. (It doesn't need to be free) Anybody has anymore suggestions? Thanks, Matt
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