Help! Affiliate Marketing on College Campuses

Dr. Scientist

New member
Feb 7, 2010
Sup guys.

I've done a couple years of PPC marketing targeted at college students, and so I was planning on opening up a GPT site exclusively for college students. I've put in a few months of on the ground marketing, have a huge list of students that have opt-ed in for my GPT site, and I've created a scaleable business model that revolves around on-campus students.

But the issue of IP addresses has really been giving me some major headaches.

I've come across a couple of hurdles.

  1. IP Addresses at college campuses are generally within the same range (180.80.xx.xx-- the first two sets are the same), and I know this tips off CPA Detective as VPN manipulation traffic. Advice on how I should approach this so all my leads aren't scrubbed?
  2. Is it possible for one computer to reuse an external IP address of another?
  3. As a side plan, would it be possible to make my own in-house offers, market it to the list of students I have, and sell those leads?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to prevent and expect any problems that may come up. Just feelsbadman since in my soft testing, these broke undergrads yield some pretty high quality traffic.


Been in this boat. Your best bet is to work direct on the offer and be as transparent as you can be with what your doing and hope they give you the green light.

Advertisers wont usually mind the ips as long as the traffic is quality.

In response to question 3: Yes, but its up to you to decide whether its worth your time to go through the hassle. There's more variables to consider when running your own shit.

Drop me a pm if you have anymore questions.
Been in this boat. Your best bet is to work direct on the offer and be as transparent as you can be with what your doing and hope they give you the green light.

Advertisers wont usually mind the ips as long as the traffic is quality.

In response to question 3: Yes, but its up to you to decide whether its worth your time to go through the hassle. There's more variables to consider when running your own shit.

Drop me a pm if you have anymore questions.

That's a relief, man. I'll definitely hit you up today.
Do you know if networks would mind duplicate IP's from universities that have switched over to NAT? I'm trying to compile a list of universities based on their IP status.