Help a VPS 'tard


Cut to Black
Feb 5, 2008
I am a newbie with running my own server. I signed up for an unmanaged VPS recently. I decided to run my email through Google Apps. That is working great.
One thing I noticed is that for automated outgoing email like user registrations and forgot password emails I'm not getting anything.

I Googled around a bit and the suggestion seems to be to setup Postfix. I just wanted to make sure this is the route to go and if you could point me to a good tutorial on that.


ok first off.. if you're ever going to setup a dedicated or vps account to use out-side hosted email... thats so that you don't have to fucking host it yourself and wast the bandwidth! so when you sign up for that email use another email account thats web-based for this very occasion.

That being said. You also never told us what linux distribution you're using. Dude, don't ever get an unmanaged server if you don't know linux. I can bet your 4k that i'm sure there are so many default ways (not exploits) i could get in and or take down your server right now it's not even funny.

So here's how to install postfix if its Ubuntu:
Slicehost Articles: Barebones postfix install for Ubuntu

Slicehost Articles: Barebones postfix install for CentOS

and Fedora:
Slicehost Articles: Barebones postfix install for Fedora
I am using CentOs so thanks for that tut link.

I know I am stupid for going this route but I wanted to learn a few things and just fuck around. I don't have any important sites hosted on the server.

Thanks again.