Help a noob out!

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New member
Jan 2, 2008
South Africa
I have a history related site, at the moment its generating about 120 or so unique's a day, I have a small niche amazon astore attached to it (brand new addition to the site so I am waiting for traffic to start hitting it that way).

Currently I am just running adsense on the site. I was hoping if anybody would be able to help me with any products that they would recommend. (you could just private message me)

If there is any AD/Affiliate networks that you think I should join, I will click under you.


where are your visitors coming from (country, domain[edu?]) and what parts of your site are they looking at the most?
Visitors are coming from US / Great Britain / Canada / Philippines. Majority land on my home page (to be honest, the home page sucks, been trying to work out a way to make it more visually appealing) other than that, they a scattered all around.

The domain is not a .EDU ..

The site in question is not a 'money' maker site at its core, I am just really using it for a intellectual project of mine, (original content vs copied content, and working on my SEO techniques and seeing different methods on which works best. But of course, earning a few bucks from it cant hurt :)

I'm also busy learning typo3, so I don't have to keep updating all this shit manually.

Thanks again.
The reason I was asking about demographics is to see if you are getting students looking for research stuff. If so, you can keep building it up into a resource site, then sell ad space and a little bit of product placement.

Take a look at to see what I mean.
Hard to give advice without posting your website. (If you want to, nobody is going to copy your shit. Or PM me)
I agree with Amanda, we need to see it first.

120 unique a day isn't great, so concentrate first on driving more traffic, spend 20 hours this week building quality links from related domains and blogs, get some fresh content, etc., then continue to do that until you have 2000+ uniques/day. At that point, it should be pretty easy for you to understand where your traffic is going on the site, what they're expecting, and place campaigns appropriately. 120 a day isn't shit for anything if you don't know what the users are actually looking for, and thus what they will be interested in buying.
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