Help a noob out :)

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New member
Feb 25, 2009
first an intro: knew about affiliate marketing before but never really researched it till now. I run my own web development firm which has been chugging along nicely so now I want to expand into PPC. Really like the risk-return characteristic of it as it reminds me of trading (used to work in finance at one point).

Here is my question: From what I get, one of the best things to do early on is to test out a lot of different offers. I think that makes sense. However, how exactly do I do it? Should I direct link? Should I build simple landing pages for all the different offers and then use that?

Second question for the people already raking in the moola:
Say you were just starting out now. How would you approach the game? Any pointers you can provide? Assume that you are willing to lose $1000-$1500/month testing.

Thanks a lot guys and hope to contribute to this community.

it would be so awesome if we had a newbie forum for questions like this.....

regarding your specific question of how to go about testing a lot of different offers, it really depends on what your traffic source is going to be. Each type and provider of PPC is it's own beast. Some offers (well maybe even more specifically some niches) seem to do better with landing pages and some with direct linking. Some traffic sources are better for one method vs the other.
it would be so awesome if we had a newbie forum for questions like this.....

regarding your specific question of how to go about testing a lot of different offers, it really depends on what your traffic source is going to be. Each type and provider of PPC is it's own beast. Some offers (well maybe even more specifically some niches) seem to do better with landing pages and some with direct linking. Some traffic sources are better for one method vs the other.

we do...
Ok moved thread to newbie section and edited out the dickrolls (seems like an honest question from OP and no dickroll worthy rule breaking questions/comments)
lol @ stupid followers trying to dickroll every single person they can because they saw someone else doing it.

dickroll fail.... Good work turbolapp
thanks for the responses. my bad, didn't notice the newb section.

I was planning on using adwords primarily. I know direct linking campaigns will automatically get slapped and isn't even worth trying on google. Would it be more beneficial to use Yahoo/MSN to test? Anyone have experience working with Yahoo/MSN to test out strategies?
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