Help a Brother Out


Former Lurker
Sep 4, 2007
I got here by typing "gay webmaster forum" into Google, so I know you guys can help me out.

I am looking for the following feature for a client's site for partially blind gays.

The page would have to have:
1. Some kind of homosexual activity - e.g. bumming
2. Doesn't have to be high quality (users are half blind), so gif format would be fine
3. Preferably, a spinning cock in the foreground
4. Sorry to be so specific, but the client has requested a counter which increments by 1 for every spin of the aforementioned cock
5. Some kind of catchy 80s music in the background (cheesy 80s music is very popular among the partially blind gay community)
6. Since some of our users are in denial about their sexuality, I would like to make it very difficult for them to close the page - maybe you could do something with javascript?

Thanks again, I think this will be my big break to make monies online, so I would appreciate any help you can offer.
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Dreamache, this is close, but not quite the client wants.

In any case, some tits below for your assistance:


I can't believe you delivered exactly what I was looking for in twenty minutes.

However, the client is not entirely happy with this design.

He has requested the following changes:

* He thinks that while Dead or alive's classic "you spin my head right round" is a suitably ironic accompanyment to this wonderful gif image, Kylie Minogues "I'm spinning around" would have more resonance with the young partially blind homosexuals of today.
* He favours a counterclockwise spin to a clockwise one. Could you possibly arrange this.

Clients, eh? They're never happy.

Some breasts for you below:

Dude wtf, did you decide after three years of not posting to start posting ? thats hardcore.

They were selling aged Wicked Fire accounts over on Warrior Forum for $10,000 each, I couldn't resist such a bargain.

... or possibly it has taken me three years of in depth research to find the "New Thread" button.



If you don't believe me, check out my homepage - it's a work in progress, so don't be too critical:
