Hedge Fund to Pizza Delivery

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Wicked Ice

Nov 11, 2007
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teXPMVg-4q4]YouTube - ABC 20/20 Hedge Fund to Pizza Delivery[/ame]

If they want to hide this from their children then going on national TV was certainly a good idea.
I feel sorry for the guy but why the fuck isn't his spoiled wife working?!? She seems like the type that'll leave him for some douche with money in 3...2...1...now.
She's working. It's in the clip.

If they want to hide this from their children then going on national TV was certainly a good idea.
I feel sorry for the guy but why the fuck isn't his spoiled wife working?!? She seems like the type that'll leave him for some douche with money in 3...2...1...now.
Guy looks like a truck driver. Mhmm at least he's optimistic -- hope he doesn't kill his wife, kids and commits suicide.
Thats tough, should take the kids out of private school and use his friends 30k to get back on there feet. - he should look up some free government grants or Google Cash ...
Another Lesson:
If all youse gotz is an MBA from UCLA, and you make $750k a year. Don't quit your day job!
Maybe the lesson is when you're banking hard - pay off your fucking house.
Agreed, and take your kids out of the private school so they lose their own sense of entitlement.

I have personally known others who banked hard, and the income dried up two years later - and this ended in catastrophe. Strictly control your spending, even when banking hard, because you may well need it later.
Big mistake is resorting to credit cards to pay your bills. As soon as they can't afford their living, they should have cut down immediately. Do not live beyond your means.
you know what, at least that guy is willing to work. a lot of people in that situation would just give up.

good for him man, i bet he gets back up there.
This guy gambled and lost. It happens every day.

If he'd won, he'd be living large. He did not.

Like everyone's pointing out, he would have been smarter to have everything paid off and put money in the bank.

I guess when you live large for so long, you forget what it's like to live poor.

Fuck, I think while I was in college I was living on 6k or so a year in claimed income. You adapt and being hungry makes you play conservative with what you have.
I agree this guy is optimistic and hard working and willing to take the risks.

He will be back on top and in that 1 percent again!!
I work at a hedge fund now.. I also know tons of guys who work at hedge funds who got really great jobs in other, much larger firms. This guy must have been retarded. There's gotta be something he's leaving out because you don't just go from hedge fund to pizza delivery, he had to have fucked up somehow to not be able to work in the industry anymore.
Careful Jon, these are perilous times:

This guy gambled and lost. It happens every day.

If he'd won, he'd be living large. He did not.

Like everyone's pointing out, he would have been smarter to have everything paid off and put money in the bank.

I guess when you live large for so long, you forget what it's like to live poor.

Fuck, I think while I was in college I was living on 6k or so a year in claimed income. You adapt and being hungry makes you play conservative with what you have.

Truer words never spoken
Hey don't get me wrong, you gamble every day.

You speed and you gamble you're not going to get a ticket.
You go to work and you gamble that your boss won't fire you or your company won't go under and not pay you.
You pay your taxes and gamble that the government will do what's right with it.

This guy gambled that the money wouldn't end. They ate well, bought nice things and had a very good time while he was making money. They gambled that the income would continue - it probably seemed like it would, after all.

You don't gamble what you can't afford to lose though. Walk into it with your eyes open and be aware of potential losses, weighing your abilities and as many other factors as you can. Then roll the dice and live with the result.
Damn Jon - I thought this was your day job.

Not anymore. Got offered a partnership position at a hedge fund and decided to take it about two weeks ago. Different industry too. But here I am, at work in my new Wall St office talking to you guys, so not much has changed anyway!
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