Hedge Fund Manager says "Goodbye and Fuck You"

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That was awesome! Finally a person with F you money and he actually said Fuck You!
Thanks for the article, I can only hope lots of people share the same views as this guy. As for me, I lean heavy to the "right" on a lot of issues. But then you come to the "pot" issue and yeah, why is it illegal?

Well, you can only hope that corporate America doesn't have its hands on the collectives nuts of Barack and the new congress ("Give us what we want baby, or we squeeze")
If its legal, you'll be able to grow it, smoke it, and share it. Drug companies wont be able to make monies on it. I also bet it will replace lots of over the counter drugs used today. With that said, I dont smoke weed. Just dont understand why alcohol or cigarettes are chosen over weed. Which is deadlier?
Most pot heads I know aren't very motivated and feel fine where their at in life. Thats the biggest problem I have with it. It takes your motivation.
The idea that weed takes away your motivation is BS. Maybe for some people who are prone to be lazy in the first place, but definitely not for everyone. I built and sold my first multi-million dollar business while smoking weed all day every day.
Hahaha, ouch, that's some harshness on a plate.

If its legal, you'll be able to grow it, smoke it, and share it. Drug companies wont be able to make monies on it.
I doubt that. Check out tobacco legislation in your country. It's amazing how harsh it is for people that grow without license. Same here, unless you're a trading botanist or horticulturalist.
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