Healthy? How many pushups can you do in 2 minutes?


New member
Apr 19, 2010
How many pushups can you do in 2 minutes?

Rating (Age 20 - 29) --- [Age 30 - 39] --- {Age 40 - 49} --- /Age 50 +/

Excellent (> 80) --- [> 73] --- {> 66} --- /> 58/

Good (71 - 80) --- [64 - 73] --- {56 - 66} --- /49 - 58/

Fair (47 - 70) --- [41 - 63] --- {34 - 55} --- /30 - 48/

Poor(bitch) (< 47) --- [<41] --- {< 34} --- /< 30/

Source:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

I got 71. It's fucking hard lol.

Poor, Only 35 a stretch irrespective of time limit. Since I am working hard on my physique by the end of this year I can reach the Excellent 80 mark.
^^^ That pic is gay and not funny.

How many pushups can you do in 2 minutes?
Rating (Age 20 - 29) --- [Age 30 - 39] --- {Age 40 - 49} --- /Age 50 +/

I have a software that does all that.
How many pushups can you do in 2 minutes?

Rating (Age 20 - 29) --- [Age 30 - 39] --- {Age 40 - 49} --- /Age 50 +/

Excellent (> 80) --- [> 73] --- {> 66} --- /> 58/

Good (71 - 80) --- [64 - 73] --- {56 - 66} --- /49 - 58/

Fair (47 - 70) --- [41 - 63] --- {34 - 55} --- /30 - 48/

Poor(bitch) (< 47) --- [<41] --- {< 34} --- /< 30/

Source:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

I got 71. It's fucking hard lol.
Since we're talking about Americans here we should probably consider that the department is giving us leeway and add 20% to the recommended amount.
Do they mean real push ups? Those figures are way high for those that do full push ups and not just kind of hump the ground like most guys do.