HDD Performance Configuration? (2xSATA)


Click, Whirr.
Oct 27, 2008
Canada... eh!
Just bought another 1TB and getting ready to reformat/reinstall Windows and I'd like to do it right the first time around instead of dicking around with partitions later.

I'll have 2XSATA 1TB drives, one is slightly better in buffer size and that's it.

My 2 main concerns are,
Fastest Windows 7 possible.
Best possible configuration for performance of 'heavy applications'

How does the following look?

HDD1(Best one)
Applications(PS/DWeav/Lroom/Camtasia/ etc (*heavy applications)

Partition 1(95% of size)
Partition 2 (5% of size)
Win7 Paging File

Would you switch anything around?

I don't need RAID configurations for backups, BUT would consider a RAID config that would help performance by spreading the load. I tried googling for the last 15 minutes but coming up short because most people have SSD's or slightly different needs.

Thanks for the input guys :)

You are looking for RAID0 in this case. I wouldn't do it though as it's pretty volitile. You should just get an SSD for the main drive. Use the high buffer for your secondary drive and the other 1tb drive as a backup drive.

If you don't want the SSD then what you suggested is ok.