Having to remove a domain... anyone want it who can hold onto it?


New member
Oct 14, 2008
So Cal
So I have a domain that ranks well for my term, used to have a site on it (removed content a few months ago when a dick who owns a business with the exact match made a fuss).

Id like to unload the domain, but don't want to give it to the douche. He has not asked for the domain just that "we" remove his "company name from a url we own".

SO anyone want the domain transfered? current registration is good until Nov 2010

The site currently ranks first page for our term even though the only content on page is "this site has been removed...."

Why not - sounds like a chance to "stick it to the man" so may be good for a laugh. Also it will be a nice test case to see what the legalities are. I'm in South Africa so it may be educational to see what he might throw at me. Cross border internet laws are vague to say the least.

PM me with details.
If it was making any money cant you file a fictitious business name statement in some town that does not have other license requirements and own the name? Unless it is a very specific/trademarked term. But if you had the site up without knowing of his business then I am guessing it is not too unique?

I am interested in your answer because I have a local business that does a lot of advertising that screwed me over the other day - and was thinking of purchasing the domain, covering myself with a fictitious in another area, then sending type in traffic to his competitor.

You may be able to cover yourself this way if the site makes money and is worth it.
Fuck him, 99% chance you don't have to take it down. PM me the details and I can give you a more specific recommendation.
I wouldn't mind taking it.
I'll pay you peanuts for it if you want ;-)