Having Creativity

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New member
Jan 12, 2007
When you are trying to write something creative, sometime you have get your mind thinking in different ways. You can see my complete article here:

But it would be great if people could add some of their ideas to the list. Some of this may seem strange, but that is part of what we do sometimes to get our creative juices flowing:
1. Thinking about the day ahead of you, what are some ways you could make this day different, even if in small ways?
Here are some small things you might consider:
1. Say hello to a couple of strangers you pass
2. Take a different route to your next destination.
3. Go to a room a room or closet in your house that you rarely visit and see what's there.
4. Think of some exercise or stretch that you haven't done in a long time and try it right now.
5. Look in your closet and find an article of clothing you haven't worn in a long time, and see if you can put it with an outfit in a way that you like, and wear it today.
6. Find a book on the bookshelf and read something randomly from it, and then look deeper on the internet about this topic
7. Go outside right now and take a walk, but take route you haven't tried before.
8. Look in your phone list, and find someone you haven't called in a long time, and call them now.
9. Look through your music collection, and play a song you haven't heard in a long time. Go over to last.fm and see what else is related.
10. Get your camera, and take a few photographs of something around you
11. Sing a song right now.
12. Go into your kitchen pantry and look in the back. What is there? Could you make something with it?
13. Play a song and dance to it right now.
14. Is there somewhere you could go today that is different and cool? (Planetarium, Library, Park, Rock Climbing, Special Building)
15. Find the highest building in your area, and see if you can go up to the top and look out. Look all around.
16. Go to the supermarket and buy a fruit or vegetable you have never eaten before.
17. Nobody in the room? Make some funny or odd sounds.

18. Go to the bookstore and look in a section that you never visit and read something.

For those too lazy or ADD-afflicted to read all this, here's the short version:

Do something different.
Do something you wouldn't do normally.
Do something stupid and/or outrageous.

These are good ideas to keep your brain from slowly rotting from the inside.
Have fun.
I changed your list a bit to make it a little more exciting.

1. Slap a couple of strangers you pass.
2. Ignore all traffic lights and signs while driving to your next destination.
3. Go into a room in your neighbor's house you haven't been in before and see what's there.
4. Sit outside a gym and watch hotties exercise and stretch.
5. Find an item that you haven't worn in a long time, and donate it to charity.
6. Find a boring book on your bookshelf, and burn it. Then check out some porn online.
7. Go for a walk or better yet a run. Run through at least the homes of 3 neighbors.
8. Look in your phone list, and crank call a few assholes.
9. Look through your music collection, and throw away your Yanni cds. If you don't own one, buy one and then throw it away.
10. Get your camera, and snap shots of hot strangers.
11. Sing a song with a bullhorn, for your neighbors, at 3 in the morning.
12. Go into your kitchen pantry and look in the back. Get all those liquor bottles out, mix and drink.
13. Play a song at high volume, on loop, for 3 days.
14. Is there somewhere you could go today that is different and cool? (Bonus points for avoiding arrest)
15. Find the highest building in your area, and try to throw soft veggies at people walking by.
16. Go to the supermarket and buy a fruit or vegetable that is real mushy. Leave it in someone's mailbox.
17. Nobody in the room? Masturbate.
18. Go to the bookstore, and check out the porn magazines.

If these activities don't get your creative "juices" flowing.. try doing them while drunk or naked, or both.

This should give you something interesting to write about. Or better yet, record it for Youtube. Don't forget your watermark!
Jay, that's funny. You have a very creative mind indeed.
Now I'd like you to document how you accomplished each of the items on the list. We want pictures and videos (except #17!!!)
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