having all my sites share the same word in the domain a good idea?


New member
Sep 25, 2011
I have found quite a lot of .com domains available for some niches I want to get into. Some will use SEO but most of them will get traffic from social media, email, paid, etc. I'm not trying to register them for EMD/Page Ranking purposes either (although if it does help with rankings so be it, SEO is not my main priority) They are just really good short domains.

Here's the thing. All these available .coms share the same adjective before the main keyword. For ex.: awesomeniche1.com, awesomeniche2.com, awesomeniche3.com, etc etc.

I have like 15-20 of these and they're pretty sweet and short and easy to remember. They're not complicated at all.

My question is if it would be wise to have all these domains link up under a main company site. Would linking all these domains and having them all fall under one big footprint cause me any issues? I don't plan on doing anything shady and any links I build will all be manual and will not break googles TOS.

Or would it be better to just keep them apart?