Have you had this problem with Copeac?

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
I'm having a strange problem. Normally, my leads show up pretty quickly. Since I just started out, I have got some good leads from folks I know interested in continuing ed, so I know they took the action.

However, in the past, my leads showed up in a manner of minutes, none have registered for today.

Also, I have had a rare problem of CTR registering above 200% because there seems to be more clicks registering than impressions--what's up with that?

That problem seemed to fix itslef on one program I am promoting, but it has just started up on another.

How do I get in touch with tech suppport for Copeac? I need to know if they have some sort of system in place, whereby they may have "frozen" the link or something, I was just thinking this because 2 leads came from teh same domain. I called my Affiliate Manager Danny before I launched an adwords campaign to ask him some clarifying details and nonthing like this was mentioned.

What I want to know is, how can I ensure that the leads I send to COPEAC I am paid for. I see a difference between my google stats and my Copeac stats which is a little cooky... :s

Also, I want to know about how Copeac decides if a lead isn't "valid" or not. I have clicked on my own link several times to check ad campaigns but I mentioned to my Manager about this and he said don't worry about it. He was actually quite cool.

I am a bit of a newbie to Copeac (not the business as I have several years of corporate business development experience with internet companies).

Basically my goal is to make myself and Copeac (and whosever linked I clicked on who is getting 2% off me, lol) as much money as possible.

I know alot of people work with Copeac so I am curious to know if people's experience is positive. I don't like the net 30 payday, but that's no biggie.

Looking forward to resopnses!


If you have any problems with Copeac, you're in the right place. Mike Krongel - owner / founder - is a frequent contributor here and is more than happy to help people out.

It could be the campaign. Some campaigns are slower to report than others. For example, a ringtone campaign that I ran a few months ago was always a few hours behind. Double check with your AM that your clicks are registering, and if there's any reporting lag with the campaign you are running. If all else fails, you can usually catch Mike on AIM or here during the day.

No worries, Copeac is full of honest people and they will make sure you are taken care of in a prompt and professional manner.
Thank! I'll definitely do that. I want to develop a good relationship with them .esp since I see alot of opportunity for AM internationally.

Be well and g'night...
If you pulled the link called a contextual link the clicks will show in the impression column. Sometimes stats are delayed. Please let me know the details of what youre promoting (i.e. offer, number of clicks you show, is this still continuing?) Also note that if you didnt filter out the international traffic in your adwards campaign and someone from a country outside the US went to a US only offer the click would be redirected and wouldnt show in your stats
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