Have $80 YSM Now what?

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New member
Apr 15, 2007
OK Now that is so stupid. But I am here for help and I like people out here. So I thought I would rather take some honest advise here and make some money with the $80 in my YSM account than rather let it gather dust
OK so to the point
  • I have $80 in my YSM account
  • I am a newbie I have knowledge but no practicals
  • I suck at making websites
  • I want to make more than $80 using the credit in my account
  • I want some serious help
Some please help me and tell me what programs I should promote and how. I can gather content from anywhere and make it better than I found it. Thank you for reading!


Tip #1: Don't ask anyone to hold your hand.

Tip #2: The basics and much of the intermediate and advanced stuff has been covered thoroughly. Use the search function along with the links in the above thread.

Tip #3: The only thing left is for you to put the advice in these threads into practice using your own unique techniques. Test, test, test to find your own unique techniques.

Tip #4: You will need much more than $80 to test, test, test.

Welcome to WickedFire. :drinkup:
You are in over your head. If you don't know how to make a website, you can probably find someone to do it for you online pretty cheap, but then you're going to have to spend money. If you want to do it the free way, find an offer, get a WordPress.com » Get a Free Blog Here account, and write about some shit you want to promote.
ok... let me see if I can help out a little bit.

are you a member of an affiliate network like commission junction? if not, join up with them, they're great. next thing you want to do, join one of their ringtone affiliate programs.

you can get people to sign up for these things like no tomorrow if you advertise them as "free ringtones!" this will get people clicking your ad, and then when they see they are going to get 10 free ringtones, they will be beside themselves and sign up right quick!

hope this helps,

ok... let me see if I can help out a little bit.

are you a member of an affiliate network like commission junction? if not, join up with them, they're great. next thing you want to do, join one of their ringtone affiliate programs.

you can get people to sign up for these things like no tomorrow if you advertise them as "free ringtones!" this will get people clicking your ad, and then when they see they are going to get 10 free ringtones, they will be beside themselves and sign up right quick!

hope this helps,


Don't listen to this guy. Chasing ringtones conversions with zero experience and $80 will be just like lighting that money on fire.

Lucab, the guy may be new, but you were new too at one time. There's a fine line between being sardonic and being an outright dick. Try not to be the latter.
j/k don't do that.

if you don't know shit about making websites I would start learning because you can save yourself a lot of money once you do want to start promoting different offers.

and fucking read these forums man - there is a wealth of information to be gleamed if you dig deep enough!
fair enough i thought of that right after i made my post, so i decided to offer some advice that i think will help this guy along.
Great advise. I have Dreamweaver and I am working on learning to make websites! I have downloaded a couple of decent wordpress themes and I am customizing it in Dreamweaver. Am I doing it right?
Thanks for the help so far!
just get to the point where you can make a semi-respectable website, that you yourself would buy something from. when i first started out, my landing sites were very amateurish looking and didn't convert for shit.

also, do a ton of research about affiliate marketing. you are going to have to learn about the industry and about how to effectively set up PPC campaigns. yahoo is def more forgiving then google, but in order to succeed you have a ton of work ahead of you.

and like geekcognito said, the true key to success is TESTING. once you have a campaign up and running that is profitable, test and tweak all the variables you can and just continue to optimize.
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